Community leaders first asked the LIRR in May to repair the crumbling, graffiti-covered wall, which ran along Burns St. between Continental Ave. and Tennis Place.
A LIRR spokesman said engineers recommended demolition of the wall, which he insisted "never functioned as a sound barrier." He said the wall won't be rebuilt, but the LIRR has taken many measures to reduce noise, such as putting mufflers on horns.
Still, locals scolded the railroad for destroying the wall and inundating them with unbearably high volume levels.
It's been train horn hell since demolition of wall at LIRR station in Forest Hills
Tsk, tsk, tsk...
poor spoiled little pussies!
Try living in an overcrowded cesspool like downtown Flushing
and see what a shitty quality of life really is like!
Aparantly FHG's pampered souls can't isolate themselves from life's "hardships' despite their wealth.
They did something similar along the Port Washington branch. They cut almost all of the trees along the tracks. They said the leaves that would fall on the tracks created too many problems. That's such BS! I feel so bad for those poor people who live near the tracks. It's horrible. NOt to mention how bad it looks. And from what I read, they stopped chopping trees down at the Queens/Nassau border. I guess trees in Great Neck, Manhasset and Port Washington don't create any problems.
Mean people suck!
I sympathize with these folks. I understand how they feel. I would not like to have more noise from the LIRR either. Would you? The pointless whistle-blowing, what is that about anyway?
Try thinking before you sneer, Anonymous.
Its the fact that they a middle class. They are touble makers that are able to think, and, worse, in issues like this, demand solutions to quality of life issues.
Arrive from a foreign country, make some donations, and impose tasteless architure on a community? No problem if you are among the tweeded.
Form block after block of 'guest workers' leering at women on the way to work as they await in shapeup lines? No problem if you are among the tweeded.
Slaughtering cattle in southern Queens? No problem if you are among the tweeded.
Running amuck on Holloween night in Astoria? No problem if you are among the tweeded.
Wedding parties running for days in Ozone Park? No problem if you among the tweeded.
I think you get the pictures. The people that lead this borough are out of control and running Queens off a cliff.
Hey look I don't live there - but if the wall muffled the train horns than I would be upset if the wall was knocked down and not replaced. It should be erected or rebuilt to at least muffle the noise as before.
Let's face it
any tree butcher is a low life!
Trees absorb air
and noise pollution.
on pushing for a greener New York
yet the trees keep on falling!
The St. Saviour's church site in Maspeth used to have over 250 old growth trees.
They were mercilessly chain sawed down while "hizzoner" refused them a stay of execution.
Any chance the LIRR can make the horns louder when the pass through FHG?
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