Well – we now have definitive proof that the only way to get some people to do their jobs in a timely fashion is to shame them! And shame them we shall!
Guess what? The Bocce court at Bowne Park is almost done! They sit on the project for about seven months and then all of a sudden it’s completed in a week! Is it possible that someone in the Parks Dept. is a fan of the Crapster?

The benches are in, the walkway paved and the protective guards removed from the trees. As usual – there’s a lone worker plugging away – God forbid that the contractor FROM NEW JERSEY send over a crew and just complete the damn job. And why is the contractor schlepping in from Jersey - did Whitestone fall off the map? Hey Parks Dept. – we have contractors right here in Queens – please hire locally!

On to our second victory. The platform in the pond has finally been replaced! It only took three trucks and about eight guys scratching their heads (and elsewhere) to accomplish this.

It’s sad that you have to harangue a city agency to get people to do their jobs – their cushy, benefits-provided, paid-vacation with overtime jobs. Especially in this economy when McDonald’s workers are expected to hold down two full-time jobs to survive.
Well Crappy – all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you! Without your forum we’d still be waiting! You are a force to be reckoned with!
Flooshing Rezident
I can't take full credit for this, for it's the people who are walking around and taking photos that are the real heroes. I am just putting it in an electronic form for all to see. I also know that after the blog post, political pressure was applied to get the park cleaned up. As for having a fan in Parks, I hope I do have at least one. The Dept is, unfortunately, stretched too thin and does the best it can despite its funding getting cut year after year. Just remember the next time you see stuff like this, that it's the way it is because your council member approved the budget that doesn't give Parks nearly enough to do what it needs to do. - QC
Kudos Flooshing Rezident, you are your own "Clean Up Flusing Queens". When the powers to be and the city do not do the job they are supposed to and we live in a city with a major amount of low class slobs, the best offense is to SHAME them. Powers to be do not like bad press and seeing garbage strewn photos all over the web. Keep up the good work.
And yes big Kudos to Queens Crap for providing this much needed forum.
So folks out there, you have garbage strewn communities, get your cameras out, take photos, make videos, contact all the various media and SHAME the powers to be. BE LOUD, BE IN THEIR FACE and RELENTLESS.
Great job Crappy!
What Community BORED #7, and our embattled Councilman Halloran can't accomplish, you did.
I've stopped calling 311. For real action I now register my complaints with Queens Crap.
The correct Pinyin is Fua Xing. Pinyin depicts "sh" as X.
not for nothing - but, the "opening" is in a few weeks anyway - they certainly weren't going to leave everything the way it was for that.
And on Sunday the idiots were standing by the platform feeding the ducks and geese. Some shit does not change.
Perhaps the Parks Department should post signs in Korean, Chinese, Thai, Greek, Albanian and English to inform park goers that feeding the fauna is not allowed.
They cleaned it up for some politician's photo op, no doubt. It's getting close to November.
are the Zucarellos (Queens Garden Center) planning on supporting any particular candidate? They sure threw a big Halloween party in Bowne Park when Halloran ran for office.
They clean it up for the upcoming Autumn-Winter season.
In the summer, when most like to use BP, it's kept a sorry sight.
I wonder, has that Mr. Softee drug dealer returned with his non FDA approved truck?
"(The familiar la, la, la, la jingle)...ice cream, thick shakes and (p-s-s-s-t) smokes and crystal meth".
This is not a ghetto nabe, so he doesn't offer any rock to stuff your pipe with.
Last night at 11:20 a truck drove around the Bowne Park neighborhood announcing that a West Nile Spraying would take place and people should go inside and close their windows. Needless to say many are in bed at this time and the broadcast volume was too low to decipher. But what the hell, there was no announcement during the day, no flyers no nothing at far as I could tell. What a joke,. they can spray for mosquitoes but can maintain Bowne Pond.
You claim Bowne Park looks better. Yes, I guess you could say that. But it still doesn't look, what I would consider, 'good'! Its, the bacci court, not yet finished. The fence needs removal, and that dirt?..what are they planninf to do with that? I was told, it was $450K! For a concrete wall, few pieces of wood (which was dumb if you ask me) which will most likely weather and rot away in the rain, UV sunlight, etc. Unless its not real wood and is plastic or some other more durable material. But, for that much money, it should have some gold plating, or leaf, at least! I couldve done that job for at least half that and still made a pretty penny! Who approves this stuff!? Man if my father wre still alive, hed do it, do it better, probably a whole heck of lot faster and much damn cheaper! That's basically what he did for a living; engineering and management of commercial R.E. And/or construction projects. ~
Folks. Does anyone know why they are'nt opening the Bacci courts at Bowne Park. Seems to me that they're 100% complete; other than the fence around it.
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