Historical aerial photos show this to have previously been a grassy empty lot or side yard. Now there's a minimum of 8 units here and not one blade of grass.
It's incredibly ugly but it's a palace compared to the shit that's built in Flooshing!
This was 2 old single family houses on Summerfield street. They were owned by the Linko and Hoffmann family's who sold out when the grandmother died. (I knew these people our family rented parking spaces from them @ 25 a month)
The original 2 wooden houses had large front yards with Sumerfield St addresses. The corner one had wrap around side yard driveway with a gate and curb cut on ONLY on Summerfield. Back then there was no 1075 Seneca ave or any house numbers beyond it.
Google Maps has a feature called "Street View". The Google van drives down a street with cameras and you can see what the street looks like.
I suggest you go to Google Maps and take a look at neighborhoods in Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro. Not the tourist areas, not the upper class areas. Not the slums and favelas either. Just where ordinary people live.
No grass. Gates. Cement. It looks like these buildings. And it looks horrible. It looks like OUR slums with gated windows on the first floor and such.
When visiting relatives in Europe, they live in houses with big front yards, back yards, and grass all around where you can barely tell where the neighboor's property begins and yours ends, aside from maybe a few shrubs lined up in the middle.
It's much nicer. It looks safer. Developers are working to destroy this.
I don't mind developers doing business, but the graft and disregard for law has gotten out of control in Queens.
Italicized passages and many of the photos come from other websites. The links to these websites are provided within the posts.
Why your neighborhood is full of Queens Crap
"The difference between dishonest and honest graft: for dishonest graft one worked solely for one's own interests, while for honest graft one pursued the interests of one's party, one's state, and one's personal interests all together." - George Washington Plunkitt
The above organizations are recognized by Queens Crap as being beneficial to the city as a whole, by fighting to preserve the history and character of our neighborhoods. They are not connected to this website and the opinions presented here do not necessarily represent the positions of these organizations.
The comments left by posters to this site do not necessarily represent the views of the blogger or webmaster.
It's incredibly ugly but it's a palace compared to the shit that's built in Flooshing!
This was 2 old single family houses on Summerfield street.
They were owned by the Linko and Hoffmann family's who sold out when the grandmother died. (I knew these people our family rented parking spaces from them @ 25 a month)
The original 2 wooden houses had large front yards with Sumerfield St addresses. The corner one had wrap around side yard driveway with a gate and curb cut on ONLY on Summerfield.
Back then there was no 1075 Seneca ave or any house numbers beyond it.
Another piece of low class third world shit. Damn these are everywhere you look in Queens, it is becoming the norm.
Simply gorgeous. How can I purchase one?
What's with the tree? That doesn't belong there. Please tell owners to chop it down...immediately!
Third world construction for third world residents.
1075, 1077, 1079, and 1081 are each 2 family units (you linked to two permits above, showing so). This building was put up almost a decade ago.
THis is what's next: http://www.maximizingprogress.org/2012/09/modular-apartments-neapos-5-story.html
I live here and these are 2 family homes. The permits are correct.
A decade old? They were completed in 2008, according to the permits.
Google Maps has a feature called "Street View". The Google van drives down a street with cameras and you can see what the street looks like.
I suggest you go to Google Maps and take a look at neighborhoods in Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro. Not the tourist areas, not the upper class areas. Not the slums and favelas either. Just where ordinary people live.
No grass. Gates. Cement. It looks like these buildings. And it looks horrible. It looks like OUR slums with gated windows on the first floor and such.
When visiting relatives in Europe, they live in houses with big front yards, back yards, and grass all around where you can barely tell where the neighboor's property begins and yours ends, aside from maybe a few shrubs lined up in the middle.
It's much nicer. It looks safer. Developers are working to destroy this.
I don't mind developers doing business, but the graft and disregard for law has gotten out of control in Queens.
If its flushing, then there are more than 2 families living in that ugly 2 family house!! It looks like something I would find in a city in Pakistan!!
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