At #CD19 forum in Bay Terrace. Told @PaulVallone will not be in attendance. Tonight's topics: overdevelopment and preservation.
— Phil Corso (@philcorso) August 19, 2013
Henry Euler says @PaulVallone missed forum because a client of his passed away, he is helping with funeral arrangements. #CD19
— Phil Corso (@philcorso) August 19, 2013
Should he be elected, he'll probably end up on this list.
What a puke-artist! He's so transparent! Makes me sick to look at him!
Look everyone, it's Stinky !
Shame on anyone who votes vallone. I never see people with vallone lawn signs at any of these debates they are all so ignorant supporting him only because they "know" him or his kids. Well they don't know him, if they did they would have a GRAZIANO sign on their lawn!!!!!
Thanks Vallone for wasting my time away from my family to hear all the candidates and make an informed decision. You made it easy to NOT vote for you. You haven't even gotten the job and you are already NOT SHOWING UP.
Anyone who trolls the neighborhood checking to see who has his lawn signs and then calls them to point out they haven't put up his lawn sign is a WIERDO... Vallone has been calling people pressuring them to put up his signs. Don't do it because your afraid he'll be mad at you, first read about what he has done for our community and then when you're done laughing you can decide for yourself.
Why should Vallone attend a debate? He already has County's endorsement, so he thinks he's a shoe-in.
Uh...My dog ate my homework.
Uh...My watch stopped working.
Uh...My calendar broke.
Uh...I had a scheduling conflict.
Uh...I got a flat tire.
Will this be covered by the Queens weeklies?
His client was a developer.
The rest of you are so much pawns in his game.
And you will do what Virginia Joe tells you do to.
I think there definitely was a fear factor in not attending last night's debate.
Vallone may have been advised not to go.
I attended last week's candidate forum in Flushing, and I came away impressed with Graziano, John Duane, and most surprisingly Austin Shafran, whom I knew nothing about beforehand. Vallone, as usual, answered no questions - or, rather, all of his "answers" included references to his wife, children, neighbors, "family", and the names of every Korean person he knows. (The event was co-sponsored by a Korean-American group.) Paulie had a lot of supporters in the crowd, and every time he said something they squeeled with delight.
This is typical of the Queens hacks - its how Stonewall Van Bramer got his name, for example.
In the past if a pol did not show up it was assumed that the issue was not important or the host was making trouble.
With this mindset by the Queens civic culture, its open season on the host who will soon end up talking to an empty room.
But its great opportunities for the rest to curry favor with the pol for some funding for coffee for meetings and the like.
The issue?
Taken care of with a smile from the pol and some vague promises that 'it will be taken care of.'
Which is what will likely happen here as we know that Vallone will crap over you and he will still get elected.
Cause the Queens weeklies and Virginia Joe said it so.
And also a big factor as to why nothing but nothing ever changes in Queens.
I was impressed with the quality of the candidate responses last eveing.
They were reasoned, articulate,gracious and at times even funny.
I left feeling good about the talent presenting themselves to represent us in the future.
Then I remembered that Mr. Vallone was not there.
That decision will cost him dearly.
Who has their lawyer make funeral arrangements? Did he help pick out the casket?
do you think he will be any easier to approach once you elect him, and I'm positive, just like him, that you numbskulls will elect him.
The answer to the Vallone lawn sign proliferation is to be out there with your own signs...FIRST!
Political campaigns are highly competitive.
That's the way the game goes.
Like it's been said before...VALLONEY-BALONEY!
Are there any polls regarding this council election? If Vallone is polling at number one, is there a strong number two? Since there is no run-off and it's winner-take-all - and, barring a high turnout for Republican Dennis Saffran in November, the winner of this primary should/will become the Councilmember. If polls show that Candidate X is a strong #2 behind Vallone, then everybody needs to put their personal feelings and biases aside and vote for Candidate X, since that will be the only way to keep Vallone out. I wish a few of the candidates thought about this, put the district ahead of their pride, and bowed out gracefully to support the (anti-Vallone) #2 candidate.
Polls are expensive and are usually
done by the candidates for internal consumption.
That is why contributing money allows candidates the tools to win the battle.
It is now the 11th hour to commision a poll and most of those running have very low financial resources judging by their Campaign Finance reporting.
If Vallone wins, vote for Saffran.
When you see the Vallone name on any ballot line, vote for the opposition.
Very disgraceful Vallone was a no-show last night!!!
Shows where he stands.
Many of his supporters in the Broadway-Flushing area are his buddies from his kids' school.
Do you Broadway-Flushing people even realize WHO you are supporting?? And WHO he really represents?? DON"T BE SHEEP!!!!
Anyone but Stinky.
".....been said before...VALLONEY-BALONEY!"
Yes! Agreed! I mentioned this to a friend (another candidate) and said to me; "its great that I came up with it on my own", even though he and a friend already did, and created a characature cartonish image of it/him.
Graziano better get his signs out there.
Vallone has already wallpapered the district with his own.
Of course Vallone didn't show up for a preservation forum. His developer friends told him to stay home.
From the look of all those Vallone signs maybe he's gonna win. Dumb voters elect visually familiar names.
They don't get any dumber than in Broadway Flushing.
You see...Vallone has made himself popular through St. Andrew's Church...and all of those parishioners and parents are kissing his ass.
Be prepared for the worse OR elect the other Paul... GRAZIANO!
If Don Paul or his peeps give you a lawn sign and you don't put it out, you get a call from said goobah that you better put it out now or else. What a thug.
If this disaster wins the primary, I will vote Saffran and tell every one I know to do the same.
In the meantime ... Chrissy and Duane are OK, but do the right thing and VOTE GRAZIANO. He's the only one who's got any sack to take on the greedy Vallones and their rape & plunder minions in the community.
Vallony. Neighborhood of Pinheads.
Have someone from St Andrews go over to Immac in Astoria if they want the inside dirt on these scumbags.
My guess is that he made some donation for some kids program.
That is the Vallone MO.
Those St. Andrew people may kiss Vallone's ass but they all live in million dollar houses and don't want to wake up one day in the middle of Astoria. He may be a lawyer, soccer coach and christmas caroler but they all know that does not a councilman make!!
Vote Graziano or wind up imprisoned in Vallonia!
He looks like Il Duce in a pin stripe Capone suit.
From the Courier:
Vallone, who did not show up, was comforting the family of his “good friend and mentor” Judge Joseph Risi, who had just passed away, a campaign spokesperson said.
Was he comforting them or making funeral arrangements? Why would he be making funeral arrangements for a guy whose son is an attorney?
Why didn't he comfort them earlier in the day instead of running around Bay Terrace campaigning?
they are all a gaggle of "lefties".
they can not wait to REDISTRIBUTE YOUR EARNINGS".
Anon no. 34: Welcome back, Gramps. Vallone a lefty? Sure. Of course.
Paul Vallone, as I know him, is a fine upstanding person. Good father and family man and honest. You folks could do much worse, believe me.
Anon no. 36: Thanks, Paul.
Your scare tactics to put the northeast into the same boat as Astoria ain't working, fella.
People in those "million dollar" homes wont ever have to worry about their nabe becoming another Astoria high density zone.
They've got R1-2A zoning...just like Riverdale...the lowest density zoning in NYC.
You sound very much like a disgruntled Ass-torian that I know.
RU jealous of the quality of life found in the northeast? Then move here!
most smaller homes here go for about $500,000 to $800,000
You're out of touch. Get with the program, gramps.
The Paul Vallone that the district knows will f--k you in a hearnbeat when you bend over to pick up the soap that you've dropped in the shower.
He backed restaurant owner and Gambino family connected Joey "d'or" Franco with his White House expansion plans.
Don Paulo voted for it as a CB7 board member.
They say that John Gotti was equally a good father and family man. That don't prove squat!
to Vallone upstanding family man... he's not honest who are you kidding. family man...big woop... upstanding? those are real upstanding flyers he sends smearing his opponents. The only dirty campaigning this election has come from the vallone side. What has he done for your community? nothing. He can't even coach soccer, he gets the parents to kick in extra money and he hires coaches from Auburndale.
Dennis Saffran is a very competitive candidate---in 2001 he ran against Avella who had run twice before and had tremendous name recognition, and lost by less than 1%--less than 400 votes. Moderate Democrats vote for him, and if Vallone wins the primary the Graziano supporters will not vote for Vallone--they'll throw their support to Saffran. He is running on a third line--the Reform Party which will attract those who do not want to vote R or C. Vallone would be a devastating choice for our neighborhood--he is in bed with the developers; is a registered lobbyist; and is the only candidate who won't commit to being a full-time Councilman! We need to stop him at all costs.
Saffran lost to Avella by 100 votes in a seat Abel carried 60%. That's lame!
Not at all. Abel was a two term incumbent who had done a lot for the neighborhood so it is not at all surprising Abel won a third term by 60 per cent. And he was running against Jerry Iannece who rubbed many the wrong way. Additionally Saffran had only lived in the District for two years when he first ran so wasn't well known and had not established a track record. He now has, as has his wife who is very involved in civic life. Saffran sent two kids to NYC public schools who are now at top rate universities so he is very concerned about maintaining the high standards of our local public schools. He has been a government attorney much of his career while also running an anti- crime/ quality of life non- profit. He is the most qualified candidate in this race and has committed to doing the job full-time plus, unlike the lobbyist/ law firm partner Paul Vallone who intends to serve as Councilman part-time only. Vallone us a sham!
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