I came across this listing last week for houses at 58-07, 58-09 and 58-11 32nd Avenue in Woodside. As you can see, the house on the right is a bit odd-looking. I got George The Atheist on the case and he went down and took a series of photos of the area, including the interesting church down the street.
I tell you, just when you thought you'd seen about everything...
Notice how the top of the facade appears different in George's photos than it does in the listing photo.
You may have noticed this in the listing: "The properties are fully occupied on a month to month basis." While that may not seem strange considering the owner is looking to sell them, the fact of the matter is that they don't have certificates of occupancy yet. In fact, I couldn't even find temporary C of O's on any of the addresses on the DOB website. Here's a sample.
You can always count on Woodside to produce Grade A crap.
Perhaps George summed it up best: "Convenient amenities. Lose your keys...a can opener may do."
I'd like to see the thing that hit that building.
GTA it's actually trendy by todays "standards".
Check out The Ray and Maria Stata Center by Architect Frank Gehry at MIT in MA.
What a "creative" use of siding material.
Was the "architect" trying to emulate Frank Ghery?
If so, then the atrocity should be offered as a Ghery-esque bungalow.
And--what a "bung job"--these sales agents will stoop to giving, prospective renters and buyers.
More like Queens Scrap!!!
These are so much more artsy interesting that the orange Fedders crap we get in Flooshing with the rusted balconies that are only used for laundry and bicycles.
These architects or so precious with their designs.
No taste, shoddy workmanship, but, oh boy, you can disguise all sorts of shortcomings with a pretentious tour-de-force.
While that may not seem strange considering the owner is looking to sell them, the fact of the matter is that they don't have certificates of occupancy yet.
Well if Mystery Man Gianaris can show his face to the community cause Dutch Kills doesn't have a stop sign, and Stonewall Van Bramer looses sleep because someone moved next to a noisy train yard, now this is public information lets see them jump on this issue where people's lives (as opposed to developers profits) are potentially at risk.
Actaully I thought these look pretty good compared to the other crap that's been foisted on Queens in the last 10 years.
Pretty good?
They're still barracks with a touch of artsy-fartsy flair.
Maybe a gay Martian might want to move in.
At least those Fedders specials don't attempt to put on any aires of refinement.
Brick nuts and bolts solidity, beat nailed on plastic or aluminum.
I agree with the one commenter, it looks pretty good compared to much of the crap buildings you see in Queens, especially Jamaica with its third world shit hole new apartments.
The Certificate of Occupancy is another issue that I do not get with NYC and specifically Queens, how does this happen. One of the shit hole apartments (89-19 170th St) across from me built in probably the 70's, 80's to this date still does not have one. This place had an illegal apartment and so many other violations and still no CO. I thought this was a must. I have reported it many times, but nothing. Go figure.
It's called Neo-Sardinian architecture. You will find this type all over the Mediterranean .
There is no such thing as neo-sardinian architecture.
Poster must have meant neo-sardine-ian architecture.
Say what you'd like, but this place is better than the typical Queens Fedders A/C crap facade we've seen for the past 30 years.
Month to month tenants are still tenants. You can't just lock them out or demand that they leave in 30 days.
The owners are not entitled to take anyone's rent while the C of O is defective.
The owners are probably demanding rent in cash & not giving receipts to avoid paying tax on this income.
and owners are most likely immigrants from a third world country who feel that they are entitled to flout any US laws and any US court rulings.
someone was on the case in 2009.
then it was Christmas for the DOB inspectors
What am I missing? The two photos look the same to me.
The photo at the top shows a different roofline than the 2 below it.
Just like Dior Manhattan
The arts always get all unhinged when the left dominates politics.
Anon no. 20:
And the Arts are stifled when the right dominates politics.
Quite an interesting story. At least there's some evidence of trying to create some visual appeal - some of it is genuine and some of it is photoshopped. There's also something that looks like a front yard, so the whole area is not one big concrete slab. The interior must be a dark cavern - very tiny windows along the alley - the easement may have once been intended to be a driveway - too narrow now for that. The house next door has Rikers Island window treatment - good luck if there's a fire between you and the front door.
A fire in any one of these houses and the news report will be 24 are now homeless.
These look great. Much better than the typical junk builders flip.
I'm digging the scrap/crap shack!
I can't say it's pretty but it's interesting. It's Frank Gehry looking facade.
Although it disrupted the continuity of the building's composition it added some interesting features to the whole facade, it should have been studied a little bit further before approval and execution.
Probably the listing facade is a rendered image of the final project and thus the difference in both the photograph and the listing add.
We shouldn't discard completely and idea just because it's not up to our standards. Religious freedom and the freedom of speech and new ideas are based on this very principle.
Actually, in this country, one is free to build a crap house. One is also free to offer their opinion on the crap house. I don't understand why you're injecting the first amendment into this.
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