Thursday, May 14, 2009

Riverdale really pissed at Bloomberg

So much so that their newspaper (Riverdale Press) ripped him a new one over his mismanagement of the DEP and coziness with contractors and construction unions...

When he made the deal in the back room of Bronx Democratic Party headquarters that brought the plant to the park, Mr. Bloomberg notoriously enticed legislators to vote for the project with a promise of $220 million in city funds to be spent on parks in their districts. But that was just a down payment.

Mr. Bloomberg may be able to finance his own campaigns, but for the others who sat around the table that day the real windfall was campaign cash from the contractors and construction unions that would build the plant. Our mayor waded waist-deep in the pay-to-play culture of city politics.

Let's turn to the other side of the ledger, to Mike Bloomberg, the CEO of NYC, Inc. Let's observe his Department of Environmental Protection in action. Seldom has there been more comprehensively-documented proof that a city agency is managed by a gang that can't add straight or that its projections and promises are as evanescent as a spring shower that no sooner sprinkles the ground than it evaporates into thin air.


georgetheatheist said...

Now this is a real feisty community paper. Pulitzer Prize winning too.

(Chronicle, Courier, Gazette, Tribune, Times/Ledger, Ledger/Star are you reading this?)

Anonymous said...

It's about time. It's starting to unravel, isn't it Bloomturd? Let the games begin! Avella for Mayor!

Taxpayer said...

"Seldom has there been more comprehensively-documented proof that a city agency is managed by a gang that can't add straight or that its projections and promises are as evanescent as a spring shower that no sooner sprinkles the ground than it evaporates into thin air."

Or, summer thunderstorms that flood a community, and cause raw sewage to flow generously into homes.

Then, the only evaporation that occurs is the notion of responsibility by officials who apparently prefer kickbacks to delivery of service.

Anonymous said...

All the emperor's money and all the emperor's PR men won't be able to get Bloomberg elected again!