Friday, October 7, 2022

NYC City Planning Department and their urbanish declaration of independence from communities


On October 17, 2022, the Department of City Planning will host an information session regarding the proposed “City of Yes” zoning text amendments. The “City of Yes” amendments, announced in June, aim to resolve obstacles that prevent the creation of more housing, remove certain zoning limitations to encourage economic growth, and support sustainability.

Earlier this summer, CityLand published a series of articles regarding the three proposed text amendments. While the Department of City Planning has yet to release a draft of the text of the amendment, the agency has updated its website recently with some more information.

The Zoning for Zero Carbon amendment would amend zoning regulations that place restrictions on the placement of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and limits on the amount of rooftop that can be used for solar panels, and increases energy efficiency requirements. For more information from the City’s webpage, click here.

The Zoning for Economic Opportunity amendment will remove restrictions and limitations on what types of business are allowed in commercial districts; removing restrictions on dancing in bars and restaurants in line with the City’s 2017 repeal of the Cabaret Law; support for the reuse of existing buildings for other purposes; and provide more flexibility for small-scale production spaces among other things. For more information from the City’s webpage, click here.

The Zoning for Housing Opportunity amendment will address the City’s housing shortage. The proposed amendment will increase opportunities to use different housing models, including two-family houses, accessory dwelling units, small apartment buildings, and shared housing models. The amendment will also expand opportunities to build affordable and supportive housing and reduce certain parking requirements. The amendment will also make it easier to convert obsolete buildings into housing and make it easier for home and property owners to alter and update their buildings. For more information from the City’s webpage, click here.



NPC_translator said...

"The Zoning for Zero Carbon amendment"

LoL! Retards are in charge. How's that "green energy" thing working out for Germany right about now?

"removing restrictions on dancing in bars"

Does that mean every bar can become a strip club?

Anonymous said...

That's the way we "pro business", "pro growth" people like it.
Who cares if the communists complain!

Anonymous said...

Social Justice Warriors ?

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how far they intend to go, see

Anonymous said...

>>"removing restrictions on dancing in bars"
>Does that mean every bar can become a strip club?

It means that bars won't get $1000 fines because someone put on a catchy song on the jukebox and a few people started dancing.

Anonymous said...

@How's that "green energy" thing working out for Germany right about now?

Now that the creeps took care of the oil pipeline too, not so great.
However in Kiev is pretty hot for this time of the year.
They also stopped drinking coffee, no time before the rockets are coming.