Monday, July 4, 2022

Thoughts about America at 246.


Enuf of his bullshit said...

This valored centenarian FOUGHT for the Great Narcissist. Queens born and bred ego maniac bone-spurred Vietnam War coward Trump refuses to admit he lost the election. Lock him up?

[And I voted for him twice.]

Anonymous said...

Death by a thousand cuts !

Anonymous said...

Sad. It would be easy to blame Traitorous Trumpanzees for the current state of the Nation. I believe however that most of the blame rests on uncontrolled corporate power and corruption.
Break up and weaken corporate power, and the rest will sort itself out.

Anonymous said...

Did the good guys really win WW2?

Anonymous said...

Happy independence Day !
Looking forward to it being fully restored, as the founding fathers intended.
He is right beauty is everywhere if you open your eyes.
​I have milkweed... happy Monarchs!

Anonymous said...

I think he is trying to say these fake progressive types have gone too far.
The tide is turning. Let's show them the door in November.
Let's Go Brandon !

Anonymous said...

ron s said...
Why is he still wearing his Uniform ?

Anonymous said...

@Sad. It would be easy to blame Traitorous Trumpanzees for the current state of the nation. I believe, however, that most of the blame rests on uncontrolled corporate power and corruption. Break up and weaken corporate power, and the rest will sort itself out.

The relentless focus on TRUMP, even after 'Bidet-Bot Joe' pretends to be alive and well (and actively presiding over The White House——of global terrorism) is not nearly as disturbing as the two-party-machined-failed duopoly CULT-DISEASE that continues to ironically CREATE the urgent NEED for an outsider, TRUMP-modeled Presidency in the FIRST place! Or any OTHER politically detached outsider who isn't bought, controlled and paid for by: Dark Money in politics, super PACS, super-delegates, lobbyists and special interests [otherwise known as bribery and extortion to We, the People], gerrymandering, election fraud, voter fraud, electioneering, cover ups, kickbacks, payoffs, cronyism, nepotism and UNJUST ENRICHMENT).

Any single ONE of the above-mentioned transgressions would be enough to de-certify an election contest——and every US election contains ALL of the above! In fact, a Princeton University professor stated six years ago that the US Electoral system is even more corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged than many Banana Republics and Third World provenances——COMBINED! According to the Princeton representative (it was published in all of the major, corporate controlled periodical syndicates), many Third World nations regularly continue to enjoy fairer elections than throughout the US.

So, why do people STILL vote, when voting itself is a reinforcement to which of the pre-selected slaveowners will indenture you into their mandated, neo-feudal system that is SO ORDERED by the oligarchs to whom they are forever beholden?

❝Voting has become a farce, if indeed it was ever anything else. By voting, the people decide only which of the oligarchs pre-selected for them as viable candidates will wield the whip used to flog them and will command the legion of willing accomplices who perpetrate the countless violations of the people's natural rights.❞ ――Robert Higgs

❝Voting is not an act of political freedom. It is an act of political conformity. Those who refuse to vote are not expressing silence. They are screaming in the politician's ear: 'You do not represent me. This is not a process in which my voice matters. I do not believe you.'❞ ―—Wendy McElroy

❝The political system, as many Bernie Sanders supporters are about to discover, is immune to reform. The only effective resistance will be achieved through acts of sustained, mass civil disobedience. the Democrats, like the Republicans, have no intention of halting the assault on our civil liberties, the expansion of imperial wars, the coddling of Wall Street, the destruction of the ecosystem by the fossil fuel industry and the impoverishment of workers. As long as the Democrats and the Republicans remain in power, we are doomed.❞ —―Chris Hedges

❝Voting gives consent to profound, political criminals to continue to fleece all of you politically indoctrinated 'SHEEPLE' like human cattle—ALL the way to the bloody red gates of the abattoir. You DO NOT have to be livestock for criminals and archaic, party-machine-failed cults AND government-entrenched Mafia crime family rings. Nobody ever CHANGED the MAFIA—by JOINING IT!❞ ―—Anonymous

❝Alas, mental slavery is the worst form of slavery. It gives one the illusion of freedom, makes one trust, love and defend one's oppressor, while making an enemy of those who are trying to free you, and to open your eyes.❞ ――Anonymous

Anonymous said...

@“ Did the good guys really win WW2?”

Probably not according to the Tucker Putin fan club.

Anonymous said...

@“ Looking forward to it being fully restored, as the founding fathers intended.”
Same here. Back to the days when a black man knew his way around a cotton field, and a woman knew that a clothes hanger was for more than hanging clothes. A man could have himself a musket without a license and drive his vehicle all over the place without worrying about bike lanes and pedestrians.
When the economy was bad, all you had to do was murder a few injuns and steal their land.
The good old days.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday America !
God Bless the USA

Anonymous said...

The Guaranteed Way Never to Lose Another Argument With An Idiot TA Commie !
Don't Feed the Troll.

Anonymous said...

Why "Traitorous""Trumpanzees" ? What are you trying to say ?

Anonymous said...

"War coward Trump"
So you are pro war ? Why ?

Anonymous said...

Stars and Stripes forever!

Anonymous said...

Sad. It would be easy to blame Traitorous Trumpanzees for the current state of the Nation. I believe however that most of the blame rests on uncontrolled corporate power and corruption.
Break up and weaken corporate power, and the rest will sort itself out.

Stop grand stading activist.

Anonymous said...

@Why is he still wearing his Uniform ?

Go back to your Metaverse.

Anonymous said...

Yep, everything was beautiful when he was growing up - blacks were being lynched for trying to vote, women were barefoot and pregnant, you could shoot a Mexican or an Asian, and abortion was illegal. Happy days.

Anonymous said...

@“ Stop grand stading activist.”

Leave the old guy alone. He served his country, unlike you, Q-Anon Creep!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like getting the emotions up on the easily triggered with a crying centenarian in uniform and some vague message about the country going to hell in a hand basket and how things aren't like they were in his day.

Whatever the fuck he's trying to say, the least vague thing I can draw out of it is joy that things are no longer like they were in his day...except of course for the existential threat to democracy.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

Land of the Free because of the brave. Thank you for your service.God Bless America - the greatest country in the world.

Anonymous said...

@Leave the old guy alone. He served his country, unlike you, Q-Anon Creep!

TA commie is for you! Dumbo.