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NY Times |
The city will kick in half a million dollars to open and expand job centers for day laborers, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said Monday.
The centers serve as hiring halls for mostly immigrant laborers who have traditionally gathered on street corners waiting for work, instead providing a safe spot where contractors can show up to hire people for construction, roofing, and other jobs.
The $500,000 grant will go towards expanding an existing center in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, and opening new ones in Queens and Staten Island.
“Unfortunately day laborers often have to deal with harsh conditions and exploitive labor practices,” Mark-Viverito said. “A lot of times these workers are seen as dispensable. And they’re actually indispensable.”
They also help laborers negotiate a fair wage with bosses, in addition to connecting them with legal advice if they’re ripped off and offering training in skills like plumbing and electrical work.
Help Wanted
Americans need not apply
Call Milisa Mark Vivorito ,say Laraza gave you the number.
Why the HELL should we be subsidizing anything for illegals, making it easier for them to take work from Americans? And do you want work done in your house by some guy the contractor just picked up off the street? Imagine the quality. Imagine the risk to your family of being robbed or worse.
She's a Marxist through and through and needs to be shown the door.
What's next? Adopt-a-Vagrant?
Aren't these day laborers taking jobs away from union members? Why would union-friendly mayor and council speaker do this?
They will be built.
They will be ignored by the nameless men who pick up the illegals and nothing will have changed except some contractors will be paid for building and operating these useless "job centers".
Blacks in NYC have an unemployment rate of about 11% still, and we need these migrant workers why?
WTF! Last time I checked it was illegal to hire people who were not here legally. So we are going to aid and abet criminals with our tax dollars. Isn't having NYC a sanctuary city bad enough for these assholes? Now who is going to help my business (who refuses to hire illegals) compete with these lawbreakers? Instead I get to pay for them with my tax money, which these employers do not pay. As Ned said, ineptocracy!
A City paid union hall for illegals? The world has gone mad!
Can an American citizen get a job there?
They should build two of them, side by side. One with a sign "Citizens and legal residents of the United States of America", and the other with a sign "All others".
The rule: The first center needs to be totally empty before anyone from the second is hired.
Why don't we hand out food stamps, section 8 vouchers and put in voting booths while we're at it? Maybe free buffet breakfast?
I smell a big rubber inflatable rat.
My friend hired one,the guy fell off his roof and is suing,insurance company said they won't cover because the contractor had fake license
She's a Marxist through and through and needs to be shown the door.
This is M-Viv's third term, so she's term limited - but you've got to endure about three more years of her...
Where is Mayor Fugazio on this???
What about Adopt an Homeless Insane Ex Convict?
"A City paid union hall for illegals? The world has gone mad!"
Yes, they have gone mad.
Our boy mayor and his dilettante sycophants on the city council want to allow illegal aliens and non-citizens to vote in all municipal elections.
"Maybe free buffet breakfast?"
The city already feeds students breakfast and lunch year round while teaching them nothing.
They can't even graduate from high school and get jobs and when they get a job flipping burgers at McDonald's the state comes to their aid by forcing employers to pay them a ridiculously generous hourly wage.
Welcome to the future.
Condos and alleged affordable housing will be built by any means necessary. This just cements it.
I recently rented a U-Haul truck on College Point Blvd. and did not like getting harassed by day laborers while I drove off with my rental. Could not tell if they were illegal but I sure would not hire them to help me move even if they had a labor center. Way back in the day you could go to the Union Hall if you needed good qualified workers to work not unskilled strangers.
why would you teach them plumbing and electric work you have to be licensed to do that work what is the city saying people do not need licenses no more or Americans need licenses and illegals don't and by the way they get food stamps free medical and now a right to work skilled trades electric and plumbing with no insurance and no license and the city teaches them and say its okay for them but not okay for us what does the department of buildings have to say about this no more licence for electric work no more permits no more working under a master electrician and you dont have to be on the books now too
what does the department of buildings have to say about this no more licence for electric work no more permits no more working under a master electrician and you dont have to be on the books now too
i hope donald trump gets in and wins he has my vote i am looking to move out of this city i work hard for my money then for them to give it away and make it harder for buisines to work why dont you give them city jobs
why dont you give them city jobs make them work for sanitation, nypd ,ambulance, schools and dont forget make them mayor
This is crazy! This city is illegal obsessed! This would be a great opportunity to lure then in and then deport every la st one! Why are we catering to these people? Whenever I get a new job, I have to go through a beinground check to make sure I'm not a felone And take a urine test! Meanwhile, these illegals can be rapists, murderers and drug dealers and drug addicts and they get a free pass? Wtf is wrong with this city? Meanwhile, they complain about the blacks not being able to find jobs here. I had a black friend who always got fired from jobs because he had sickle cell and had to go to the hospital a couple of times a year but he kept getting laid off even though 95 percent of the time, he was in work everyday and on time! Why doesn't he get laws to protect him? He Wasn't there AT jobs long Enough To receive fmla...to be eligible for fmla, you have to work At your job for 1 year!
Most NYC jobs you have to pass a written test, background check, and have the required prior experience. Most illegals can't meet these requirements.
Guy, you missing the point! Most of these guys post up in woodsise, they have their own tools and supplies. The6 work for $100+ for the day and know what they are doing.
Union halls pay nearly triple, that city work, not a homeowner in queens needing to remodel his bathroom. The homeowner usually go for the lower bid.
Besides, that contractor you hire for work, is picking up these guys from the street and bringing him to your jobsite. You just dont know about it. Spanish, asian, middle eastern, european, no difference, that cheap labor is done by an immigrant.
Young ,jobless adults arent willing to bust their humps for low pay, too proud i guess. These men on the corner are looking for work, not a hand out. They are providing for fily, not mooching the system, so whats the problem?
At least now the could organize in a central location, get them off the street. These are not drugdealers, or prostitue vendors, these are working men with strong job ethics. Working to survive.
FDNY used to make you pass tests too,not anymore, discrimination against the Not So Smart you know.
The courts say you don't need brains to put water on fire
Who da thunk.I should know
Iz be a firesman who savs burnin peopls
Most of these illegal aliens laborers have "illegitimate children" born in the USA with illegal alien mothers. They live in NYC which makes the children eligible for food stamps, medicaid & welfare. That combined with they money collected while working tax free can be more than a family working for $60,000 a year which is taxed.
The government of NYC has loudly told working class citizens to go f##k themselves.
Kapimap...Dude you are missing the point. Most of these workers are in the country illegally. Hiring these people is also illegal. If they work for you, you are responsible for their work, their safety, paying their workers comp. and paying their unemployment insurance not to mention their payroll tax. But I'm sure people like you laugh at obeying the rules, that's for suckers. There is a term for what you do, it's called worker exploitation.
Great....now more third world illegals loitering and drinking and pissing.
Deport them! LOL! Queens, the world's borough. Only a burro would come up with a slogan like that.
Brooklyn can boast being the nation's fourth largest city...or such.
WTF do we have? Crooked pol's, third world filth, boring architecture.
I am ready to move. I am tired of having to apologize for living in such a lackluster borough.
You all need to shut up! This is a brilliant idea! Get the sticks out of your ass and stop acting like America isn't already a big ass fucked up melting pot. Deal with it !
I play by the rules, but im not paying some jacked up prices to fix my home gtfoh.
Fairly certain these centers already exist, no we are just paying for new ones.
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