Once a doormat, always a doormat. This isn’t the first time that the mayor has wiped his feet on a local community board. They should be used to it by now. But that doesn’t mean they have to lay down for his convenience.
Last night CB 7 met to vote on the controversial Flushing Commons Muni Parking Lot 1 mega-project. This report will be brief; for spring has arrived, and we all have better things to do with our time.
After approximately three hours of blah-blah-blah, yadda-yadda, CB 7-- as expected-- voted overwhelmingly (with only 1 or 2 against) to approve it, with “stipulations,” as if Bloomberg & Co. really give a damn about CB 7’s stips. CB 7 didn’t have the spine to oppose even one of the multiple variances required.
The mayor has already issued a statement touting the approval of the board, along with all the other local Tweeds. Thanks for lying down while EDC and TDC steamroll over the community with a nightmarish project that will create havoc in downtown Flushing forever.
Round 1 is now over. The next step to civic destruction is taking the show on the road to the borough board, where it will undoubtedly be rubber-stamped once again. The public can attend, so watch here for date and time. Gotta keep the heat on. It ain’t over ‘til it’s over-- with final approval by the City Council.
Of course there's also a good chance of a lawsuit.
(I particularly enjoyed the "Korean construction workers" who suddenly materialized holding professionally printed signs saying they were hungry and needed jobs. As if we're too stupid to understand who was really behind them.)
Two amusing things happened last night that keep me wanting to continue attending these theater of the absurd meetings, like a vaudeville buff.
First came a comedy act:
Michael Meyers asked me if I was the "Queens Crapper". (LOL)!
When I regained my composure I replied by telling him that I didn't have that amount of spare time on my hands (to be a webmaster for such a brilliant site) but that I do contribute.
Notice, I'm signing my name to this post, Michael.
Mike's really not a bad guy. We both just have lousy jobs to do.
The closing act of the evening was to be a drama:
An old time CB7 female member thought that my "MEN OR MICE" sign (pictured in this article) was insulting. I suppose because it did not include women.
Ms. ___, apparently you didn't get the Robert Burns reference (famous Scottish poet's alliteration, "...of mice & men...") or as in the inclusive Man, Mankind (cap "M") to include both sexes.
This was my third quirky encounter with her over a period of several weeks.
I told her that her "yes" vote to approve this fiasco of a project was far more insulting than any illusions she might be harboring that I'm insulting women.
My sincere thanks for all the hard work put in by board members, staff, attenders, the press and community activists.
It hasn't been fun for everybody concerned but a necessary part of the process.
I can see Uranus from my house!!!!
An old time CB7 female member thought that my "MEN OR MICE" sign (pictured in this article) was insulting. I suppose because it did not include women.
Jerry- You should have asked her why she didn't squeak up sooner!!!
Speaking of CB 7 bending over.....I support Paul Graziano and jerry Rotundi's right to be married. In addition, Jim gerson really goy screwed by parkside and should get his 15K back from Evan Stavisky
Jerry I thought your sign was great and I was not offended. People need to lighten up.
I hope you guys keep the heat up and I admire you for it.
I support Paul Graziano and jerry Rotundi's right to be married.
To each other? I think NOT!!! I smell asshole troll!
I smell Evan Stavisky at work!
Did you make mamma Toby a grandma yet?
Did you make mamma Toby a grandma yet?
Please! Do you REALLY want that family to propagate?
Damn, what a bunch of spineless bitches. I hope they spread their cheeks wide for Bloomberg's plowing.
What I'm finding difficult to comprehend is why CB7's land use committee went through weeks of long agonizing late hours to examine the impact of Flushing Commons on the surrounding area.
Even Chuck Apelian finally admitted that the situation stinks. But the board ultimately votes yes on everything and gives the project a green light.
Do we simply dismiss CB7 as being spineless? I think not.
Maybe it was all part of the show to make you think they did their job well.
On the surface they could look like they toiled endless hours, but peel back the veneer and you'll discover the level of corruption that abounds.
They knew beforehand that the full board would vote for it...with those miraculous "stips" (stipulations) they stuck in of course.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk....what can we do"...and the CB7 members wring their hands, produce their handkerchiefs to wipe away their crocodile tears!
Better stock up on Vaseline boys & girls because Bloomberg's already got his fly unzipped!
Just open wide and say "a-a-h-h-h" for that soothing double "A" powered swizzle stick #4-on-the-floor!
Jerry, I find your sign offensive to Mice who have move backbone than most humans.
The scuttlebutt is that Terrence Park paid each of those Korean construction workers $20 apiece to show up.
The days of Boss Tweed revisited!
Nobody wants you to hold any meaningful public office including your own people.
Give it up already you smarmy runt!
If I've offended any mice, I'll gladly apologize to "Mickey" ("Minnie" too) but not to anyone else.
If I've offended any mice, I'll gladly apologize to "Mickey" ("Minnie" too) but not to anyone else.
Cheeses! What about the rats?
Clean out those self-loving, sit-on-their-asses CB7 members (save the few good ones) and start all over.
One gander at those fossils and you can understand full well why Flushing is in such rotten shape.
And Chucky "the cheese eater" should be the first to go!
"I support Paul Graziano and jerry Rotundi's right to be married."
It's Rotondi. You won't be invited to the wedding for that blooper.
"To each other? I think NOT!!!"
Definitely-- Rotondi's ballbuster of a wife will never let him go.
The report should have included the shameful land use commity request for fewer stores in the church project & more apartments. Like, where else is a black person going to be able to open a business in downtown Flushing? Do you see any black owned businesses in downtown Flushing any more? Think Chen & Lee are going to invite any to rent commercial space?
The church sold out for less than 30 pieces of silver, if you ask me. They wuz robbed 50 years ago, and they're settling for a token corner instead of insisting on their moral right to most of it, if it is going to be removed from public ownership, anyway.
Someone pull down those stupid red steamers already.
Jerry Rotondi said "Ms. ___, apparently you didn't get the Robert Burns reference (famous Scottish poet's alliteration, "...of mice & men...") or as in the inclusive Man, Mankind (cap "M") to include both sexes."
Hey Jerry, I know "the Ms." who you are talking about. What do you expect from a city worker from the Sewer Department? She thinks she's a star but in reality she doesn't toe the mark, even in the BLOWHOLE Theater (AKA Community Board #7).
My humble poster must have struck a nerve, judging from some of these adolescent posts I see here.
Wait until you see my next one!
Wait until you see my next one!
Can't wait!!!!
cb7 bends over and sucks but koo swallows
halloran was only one with balls to stand up for anything.
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