Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Riis Park parking fees will double to $20 next summer

 Rockaway Times

For the first time since 2012, Gateway National Recreation Area is hoping to increase parking fees for the Riis Park parking lot. These parking rates would go into effect for the summer of 2021. 

Currently $10 a day, the proposal calls for a doubling of the fee to $20. In 2016, National Park Service tried to propose a fee increase to $15. It never came to fruition. This season, with beaches being closed due to coronavirus, fees were not collected until July as opposed to the regular Memorial Day weekend start.

The proposed fees for 2021 would include: $20 per day; $100 per season; $50 per oversize car per day and $200 per oversize car per season. Visitors with Senior or Access Passes would be charged half price for parking, as they are currently.

“We are committed to keeping the park affordable but also want to provide visitors with the best possible experience,” said Gateway Superintendent Jen Nersesian.  “The money from the parking fees will help improve our visitor facilities and services.” 

Now that's how you gentrify a beach. Make way for privatization.


Anonymous said...

“We are committed to keeping the park affordable"

Yet you're doing the exact opposite. Everything in this City is too expensive already.

JQ LLC said...


All these officials are taking from the same public relations gaslighting manuals.

Anonymous said...

Smart move. The LI trend of shutting out non-residents will probably continue so NYC residents will continue to be stuck with federal and state beaches. $20 is still reasonable for a day at the beach. You can still walk in for free.

Anonymous said...

@JQ LLC: For once, using gaslighting might be correct. They're telling us the they're doing the exact opposite of what they claim their goals are, blatant doublespeak; all that's missing is them calling us crazy for pointing it out.

Anonymous said...

Good keep all the deplorables out !

Angry NYC Taxpayor said...

"Riis Park" Let them triple it for all I care.
Last time I was there I was surrounded by colored's blasting "thump thump bubbabubba bullshit" on radios, the whole dam sight made us sick.
Gangsta boys then kept trying to talk to my 15 year old niece every time she tried to go in the water, packed up and got the hell out of there.
Big waste of money and gas, Jones beach is even WORSE!!
Go to a private club in Broad Channel now, $$ expensive but worth it. No garbage allowed.

Anonymous said...

Jones Beach has become the Riis Park of the 1990's !
It too is now full of litter and low life scum.