From the Daily News:
Look, up in the sky — is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it’s Vallone-man!
City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. touts himself as a bona-fide superhero in a new campaign mailing that Queens residents received this week — complete with Vallone donning a Man of Steel-style unitard with a bright red “V” on the chest.
“Police respect him, criminals fear him,” the flyer says at the top, next to an action shot of Vallone grasping an American flag. There’s also a tribute to Vallone from Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly — in a comic book font, of course.
Wow, this almost convinced me to pull the lever for the Junior! But then I received this:
"I put in a complaint about the amount of trash on Broadway on weekends and the poor removal by Sanitation. Plus, a few of those restaurant owners and landlords are slobs - treating the trees as ashtrays and dumping grounds. I will also blame careless, dirty pedestrians who seem too weak to hold onto a cup to toss in a garbage can.
Well, here is the response I got from Vallone - "basically I tried to fend off budget cuts but in the meantime here is how you can set-up a volunteer clean-up using materials from Dept of Sanitation." Not bad, but when do I have time to organize this when I am working and attending to family matters?
Maybe they should add a surcharge to developers building oversized buildings to pay for additional sanitation services for the whole community."
Chris Sahar
Thank you for writing in regard to sanitation issues and I will forward your concerns to the Department of Sanitation. Below are two links for citizens to be active in cleaning up trash in their neighborhood:
Keeping Astoria clean is a top priority, and I refuse to let the quality of life fall below acceptable standards. I am as upset as you are about the recent increase in litter, not just in Astoria, but City-wide.
These quality of life issues are a direct result of cutbacks forced on New York City by politicians in Albany. Two years ago our local sanitation district had 141 officers and because of attrition and hiring freezes, our sanitation district stands at 119 officers. Budget cuts have lowered public trash can collections from twice a day in 2008 to once a day in 2010. I recently wrote to the Commissioner of Sanitation asking for restoration of twice a day public trash can collection.
Keeping Astoria clean is a high concern of mine and I have negotiated in the City Council to get funding in the budget to have well over one hundred heavy duty trash cans placed at various locations throughout my district in heavily trafficked areas. I also allocate money in the budget each year to pay for a sweeper who cleans 31st Street from 20th Avenue to 23rd Avenue and Ditmars Boulevard from 29th Street to 33rd Street each day and have provided funding to other groups to hire sweepers. A few years ago, I successfully fought to save twice weekly garbage pickups, weekly recycling, and to rehire 200 fired sanitation workers.
Property owners are responsible for keeping their sidewalks and curbs clean and free of debris. I, along with my colleagues, passed legislation that allowed for Sanitation Agents to issue summonses to homeowners for dirty sidewalk and curb areas only during two 1-hour periods. The time slots are from 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning and again from 6:00 to 7:00 in the evening. These time slots allow for the majority of homeowners to be home to clean their sidewalks. Commercial establishments are also required to sweep in front of their stores. From 31st Street to 81st Street on Ditmars Boulevard, the routing times are 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., and from 31st Street to Shore Boulevard, the times are 11:00 a.m. to 12 Noon and 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts there are dirtbags in our society who have little respect for other people’s property and just throw wrappers and other debris on the sidewalk.
I am sure that with continuous effort, our vision to maintain a cleaner, safer neighborhood will be successful, despite the cuts which Albany has forced upon the city.
Again, thank you for taking the time to express your concerns.
Very Truly Yours,
All that fluff stuff that the superhero did with regard to sanitation and the neighborhood still looks like a pigsty. It's so bad there that one of the candidates running for Vallone's current seat has focused on the filth as his number one concern for the district.
I think super hero Vallone just sealed his fate in this election.
Superhero, my ass. First off the ad is totally ridiculous. Second, hell I get a much better response in Jamaica when reporting garbage problems. It seems garbage problems in Jamaica (while still a mess) are getting better than what is going on in Astoria and Jamaica has way more low class ghetto slobs/low class third world immigrants than Astoria.
Politicians make a million excuses why shit does not get done instead of finding solutions.
Again, Tony Avella for Queens Borough President.
Voters beware!!!! Anyone who thinks so highly of himself has narcissistic issues. Don't do it!!! Vote AVELLA and GRAZIANO.
Petey is really pushing the hard sell in this election. I've already had 2 Asian teenage campaign volunteers come to my door to tell me how wonderful he is and ask for my vote. And I've gotten one robocall from the man himself.
Vallone is registered with the Boars Head Board of Elections under Bologna.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Vallone is registered with the Boars Head Board of Elections under Bologna.
I heard Vallone was hamming it up at the kosher butcher shop.
So--Pete "junior" Vallone passes the buck to volunteers--abrogating his responsibility in the garbage matter.
Here we have the other "Valloney-baloney" sibling--who, like brother "Don" Paulo--is slicing it rather thick these days.
Do we need more "political mafiosi" in Queens' government?
Many don't think so.
We've got enough dirty clubhouse politics as it is.
Political garbage needs to be disposed of properly at the polls.
Dump the Vallone dynasty. G-d save Queens!
Peter & Paul--I did not coin the descriptions "Don" or "junior" or "political mafiosi"--in case you're reading my post.
Some other bright commenter did--but I'm glad to be borrowing them, however. They fit perfectly.
Boar's Head wouldn't have him.
Both Vallones are strictly unknown deli brand generic pork!
Boar's Head brand is premium brand with no questionable fillers.
Wow! I'm impressed.
Petey claims to be a "proffessional musician"...rides a Harley...is a lobbyist lawyer...and can fly faster than a speeding bullet.
But can he leap over Tony Avella with a single bound?
We'll find out in November.
Until then, little Petey, be sure to stay clear of any green Kryptonite. You know what it can do to your "super powers".
What a condescending attitude to take!
This mailer is proof of what Vallone thinks is the average intelligence level of Queens' voters.
He gave them a comic book to read.
Maybe he's right in underestimating Queens' smarts.
Prove him wrong. Vote for Avella!
Upper right pic should have had him in a superman shirt
This is more like it
I saw that flyer and thought, WTF, is this a joke? Vallone can't be serious. I was about to throw it away then thought, this is so bad, it's a classic. I'm keeping it.
Too bad he can't defeat that receding hairline...
I like the his use of the phrase "dirtbags in our society..." Maybe his campaign slogan should be -"Don't be a Dirtbag!"
We haven't heard from Adam Lombardi yet.
He and his cultists seem to just worship the Vallone name.
Or has he just got the hots for Paul's chrome dome.
Ooooh...climb up on Paul's head and rub-a-dub-dub!
In any other borough voters would be embarrased to have a jerk wad like Pete running for borough president.
Katz will force him to drop out by next week. Just watch.
He's an imbicile. His family have run Astoria into the ground for years and have treated it like their own fiefdom. His arrogance smells worse than the garbage strewn all over Astoria.
These Vallone superhero mailers remind me of last year's Rory Lancman mailers where he used the threat of Iranian nukes to ask for our vote.
Here's what gets my vote: down to earth realistic and local expectations.
What a load of crap...I've seen the same graffiti in many places in Astoria for the past 4 years.
Does he change clothes in a telephone booth?
In a telephone booth?
That's where he goes to jerk off the public!
I think you're right.
Pete's campaign is beginning to Peter out.
That flier is a mark of self absorption and desperation.
Why doesn't anyone ask what laws he has actually passed on crime ?
Go to this website.
This will be your community board when Peter Vallone is borough president.
Ask people in his district about him. Go ahead, many of you work with people from Astoria.
THAT should be all the information you need to know about this man.
THIS is what your community board will look like if Vallone is borough president.
Peter Vallone, campaign donations, and community board 1.
This can be your community board if he becomes beep!
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