Some advocates for women are saying state Senate candidate John Messer should dump disgraced former City Councilman Dennis Gallagher as a political advisor.
Gallagher, who pled guilty to sexual abuse in 2008, is currently fighting a civil lawsuit filed by his victim.
Messer has launched an aggressive primary challenge to state Sen. Toby Stavisky for the Democratic nomination.
“This, in my opinion, shows incredibly poor judgement,” said state Sen. Liz Krueger.
“I don’t know Mr. Messer but I know quite a bit about the history of Mr. Gallagher. He continues to argue that the woman he violated shared some responsibility for that action.”
Messer’s supporters downplayed Gallagher’s involvement in the campaign — saying he has no direct role.
“Why would you want someone like that working for you?” asked Ann Jawin of the Center for the Women of New York.
Messer and Stavisky will have a rare joint appearance on Wednesday night at a forum sponsored by the Queensboro Hill Civic Association.
The event starts at 7 p.m. at New York Hospital Queens.
While the women's objection is nothing more than a 3rd party attack on a guy trying to upend the Queens Democratic machine, the reality is that voters really do need to think twice about anyone seeking advice from Dennis Gallagher. Why haven't Jawin and Krueger called out Peter Koo for also employing Gallagher?
Gallagher must have "the goods" on a lot of pols.
Why else would they use him as an advisor?
Perhaps Dennis might be able to advise them on some peculiar and unique sexual perversions that he's practiced.
Good God...
Pinky is far worse!
"Messer has launched an aggressive primary challenge to state Sen. Toby Stavisky for the Democratic nomination."
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That explains why Queens Dem pols have united in attacking Messer. I have been receiving "anonymous" negative fliers from the Stavisky campaign. I know that they are from the Stavisky campaign, because it has as return address "PO Bos 1547, Flushing 11354" which are Stavisky's. What are left out are the name of the campaign, and the "paid for by...." statement, as required (I think) by US Postal Office and maybe election laws.
Better yet, why hasn't Liz Krueger spoken out on the Vito Lopez mess?
I'm voting reluctantly for Stavisky.
Messer seems just as bad, and he has the support of the shady Queens Tribune consulting cabal.
Dennis will be running for Borough President.
No matter who wins, WE LOSE!!!
But isn't that the way with most Queens elections...
a LOSE-LOSE situation?
Gallagher must have "the goods" on a lot of pols.
Why else would they use him as an advisor?
Perhaps Dennis might be able to advise them on some peculiar and unique sexual perversions that he's practiced.
Evan (my turn to be the cowboy)Stavisky knows enough about Perversions hanging out with Harry.
It takes Dennis Gallagher to make Toby Stavisky look good.
Dennis Gallagher should be in jail. If DA Richard Brown did his job Gallagher would be in jail for 30 years.
another dem. smoke screen perpetuated by the extreme media in Queens.
the G.O.P. hasn't had any power in Queens or n.y.c. for forty years.
all the destruction has been done by one machine .
The civil suit is going nowhere. Dennis an embarassment and should be in jail, but for a whole host of other things, not the set-up sex assault case.
Who else does this guy do " consulting " for?
Non other than Dan the wannabe CongressMAN. They have been seen in bars together throwing back a few and hanging with young lasses. They are so close that Dan the CouncilMAN hired his number one swinger and gave her a nice plum position on his STAFF.
Now he shows up in Messers campaign? Strange bedfellows does politics make indeed.
They are so close that Dan the CouncilMAN hired his number one swinger and gave her a nice plum position on his STAFF.
Good double entendre! Kudos, Paul.
I just saw this comment on another post on this site and had to share it.. It is good to see others in the area also know what is going on. Thank you for appreciating my double entendre and for the kudos. Now kudos to the person that wrote the following.
"no one wants to step up and take the lead. When one does, the politicians set out the dogs to dig up dirt and when they don't find dirt, they make it up. Look at what is going on in council district 19. The councilman has gone on the attack with all that have opposed him. To the point of hiring full time staff and consultants to troll and tarnish anyone who speaks out. Check it out folks. The honest people don't want to step up into this disgusting world and when one does the insiders attempt to destroy lives , reputations, and careers. Why would any decent person want to put themselves out there? We as voters need to let those that step up and stand up, know that we support them. Not sit back and watch the attacks for fear of being bitten.".
Let us also not forget when a department of transportation employee was outed as the department of sanitation worker who confided in the councilman about the alleged work slowdown. How could that employee know about a DOS slowdown? Why would you name him and ruin his work environment? His reputation? Etc.. This is just another example of what the above author was writing about.
More to come. ...
Halloran also employs both Gallagher and his former chief of staff and number one accomplice.
Wasn't it "pinky" Gallagher that once sold porn
in Christ The King's auditorium?
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