Mayor Bloomberg admitted yesterday that he didn't devote enough time to scrutinizing CityTime, the $760 million computerized timekeeping project prosecutors claim was "corrupted to its core."
"Nobody paid as much attention to it as they should have from me on down," the mayor said after speaking at a graduation ceremony for the city's civic corps at Gracie Mansion.
"We're going to find out who did what."
Eleven individuals and one corporation have been implicated in what is shaping up as one of the largest corruption scandals in municipal history.
But the mayor said it's not clear how much money taxpayers will end up losing.
Then hizzoner should pick up the tab for the money we taxpayers will be losing as a result of his mismanagement.
I thought Mayor Mike was supposed to save our city.
This "master of finance" couldn't even save us money.
I hope that you voters who gave him his 3rd term are happy now.
As if we need his permission!!!
He didn't need his oven mitts while cooking the books!
Ok, fine. Why doesnt he pay for it then, since it is his fault?
He's only good at investing and saving HIS money. Too bad about the taxpayers. He should write a check to NYC to make up for the loss and his incompetence. What happened to our Financial SAVIOR? Wasn't that the reason why we needed him for a third term?
Bloomturd should rot in hell.
Bloombitch should use the F train once in a while. I just saw a big rat at the Union Tpke. station running around during rush hour with plenty of people there, on the platform. It didn't bother with the tracks. He can make a pet out of it. At least the rat isn't a crook or a thug.
I prefer, and respect, an honest NYC rat trying to make a living like the rest of us than Bloomfuck's rat-bastard pack of real estate and financial mogul pals!
Now you dumb fucks who handed Mike another term....why don't you draft him for a fourth?
Instead of enlightened voters we have a bag full of assholes in NYC!
Congress or the Attorney General need to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate this massive taxpayer fraud. We need to take this investigation out of the hands of any city official, whose investigation budget depends on each of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has attacked the budgets of the Manhattan DA and the public advocate, or City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who still likes to use the budget to dole out her politically-motivated special member items.
Wow, thank you. So we can blame the guy in charge, what a novel concept. If a Police Chief, a Fire Chief, A School Principal, or anyone else for that matter, did the same exact thing, even on a smaller scale. They would be fired and fined, probably sued to pay back the loses. What does the Billionare playboy get?
This is unusual, which makes me wonder. Seems he wants to move past this one fast, and he clearly does not want an investigation. For him to throw himself down like that means there is something big here. Investigate!
What does the Billionare playboy get?
Plenty of poontang. What is poontang? A new breakfast drink?
RESIGN ALREADY BLOOMBERG. He has to be, in my opinion, the worst mayor ever.
Bring back Rudy!!!!
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