"When people decide they want to move to Long Island City, they're looking for restaurants," [Brian] Adams said. "They're looking to see what's here."
For Manhattan dwellers Kate Grady, 29, and her boyfriend Albert Haber, 29, the tasting event was a bit of an eye-opener.
"This has sort of validated that there are restaurants and places to eat," said Grady, who is now considering moving to the area. "I probably wouldn't have come to Long Island City if there hadn't been an event like this."
That's funny, most people I know look at crime, schools, supermarkets and transportation when choosing a neighborhood. But to each his own.
Yes, but the Tower People are now being catered to.
Shallow roots and ready to throw money at a politican fund raiser and soon to move when the baby bump appears.
Money to burn, clueless, and not to effective in complaining about quality of life issues (outside of the bike lane getting fresh paint each year.
A politican's dream without the noise, litter, and greasy sidewalks of immigrant neighborhoods.
Healthy with little need of hospitals (unless some nasty motorist hits them while they are on a bike)
And hell, they don't even need schools!
as soon as they have kids they'll move to your neighborhood, QC :)
Brian Adams, who runs the LICityGuide.com, a tourist directory for the area, would agree.
Wow! This guy has definitely hit rock bottom! He went from singing "Summer of 69" to running a Long Island City oriented web site!
How the mighty have fallen!
If the shoe fits ....
Of course they are yuppies from Manhattan. Count down until they are jumped going home at night from their trendy restaurant.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. New restaurants blah bloah, VIBRANT! DIVERSE! blah blah, bike lanes blah blah, minutes to Manhattan blah blah blah. The prior annonymous was correct about the coutdown. It is just a matter of time before the other shoe drops, and the economic climate catches up in earnest with Western Queens. That will make for some interseting reading!
Ahhh, the Kweens Krap Naysayers.
Mock the different! Mock the different! We hate what we do not understand!!!
A culture of greed.
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