Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jamaica Avenue el to get spruced up

From the Daily News:

The long-neglected J train el, which casts a gloomy shadow over Jamaica Ave. in Woodhaven and Richmond Hill, is slated to get a facelift next year.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority officials told City Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley on Wednesday that part of the span will be repaired and painted forest green, Crowley said.

The underside of the tracks is currently marred by chipped paint as well as dirt and grease that have accumulated over decades. Residents and merchants alike have griped that the elevated tracks are an eyesore that hurts the lively shopping strip.

The 30-month project, tentatively scheduled to start next year, would rehabilitate steel girders and paint almost 3 miles of the line between the Cypress Hills station and 130th St.

The work is expected to cost between $20 million and $30 million.


Anonymous said...

I think This is way Over Due!

Anonymous said...

Maybe start with the rust before the paint job.

Anonymous said...

That's what's going to happen. You don't paint over rust.

Anonymous said...

That's what's going to happen. You don't paint over rust.

Anonymous said...

Yes Lizzie, that way is up. Good girl, have a biscut!

Anonymous said...

They photoshopped out the chipmunk she was talking to.

Liberace said...

Why green? I prefer a Hot Pink, a Lemon Yellow, or a Light Lavender.

Liman said...

I grew up under that el. It wasn't depressing. It gave the neighborhood character. Still does. They tore it down in Jamaica. Does that stretch of Jamaica Avenue look better? It's horrible.