- The three businesses that made deals to stay are the largest political contributors at Willets Point, who donated heavily to Melinda Katz, Hiram Monserrate and Helen Marshall.
- Five businesses have made deals to move to College Point Corporate Park, but CB7 demanded that no more Willets Point businesses be moved there and the City agreed.
- A handful of property owners have sold their land directly to the City.
- The EDC has told the remaining property owners that they plan to negotiate with them, however, they have indicated to those in phases 2 and 3 that they should not expect negotiations to start for more than a year.
- Despite this, they have announced that a public hearing will be held on June 22nd which is required to start the eminent domain process.
- The Willets Point United group has filed an Article 78 challenging the findings of the City's environmental review, an action that is supposed to halt all movement toward eminent domain. The EDC is therefore holding this hearing illegally.
- EDC has not yet completed required title searches on the properties, and therefore does not know who the owners of a sizable number of properties are. This also seems to contradict the EDC's assertion that they have been in constant contact with all land owners at Willets Point throughout the past year. Rules are being broken left and right and something needs to be done to stop the Bloomberg steamroller.
Because of all the above, this Monday (tomorrow) Councilman Tony Avella will hold a rally with the Willets Point business and property owners against the city's planned use of eminent domain at Willets Point. Council Members Julissa Ferrares and John Liu were also invited. Let's see if they show up.
The rally will be held at Shea Gas Station at 127-48 Northern Blvd at 1:30pm tomorrow.
Why is the rally not being held at Paul Vallones headquarters ? Chuck Appelian is his campaign amnager and his father Toupe Peter Vallone Sr. is the slimy lobbysists on the project. And this airhead has the balls to run and try and replace Tony Avella ?
Chuck Apelian is Paul Vallones campaign manager ? I heard that that was true but thats not possible, is it ? Isnt that a conflict ?
Chuck Apelian is Paul Vallones campaign manager ? I heard that that was true but thats not possible, is it ? Isnt that a conflict ?
You know, a major reason for the American Revolution was the British Crown's decision to offset the cost of providing security to its colonists by forcing private citizens to quarter troops in their homes.
We have Bill of Rights provisions that state that a policeman can't enter your home without a warrant, even if he is looking for a mad terrorist bomber.
How ironic that the City, not even the Federal government, calmly seizes your whole property with little or no justification or payment.
The Courier calmly has the mayor saying that the Willets Point destruction is forgone.
Another example of the mayor taking over a paper and calling it news. They don't even have the figleaf of trying to report anymore.
Also noticed that Vicky has a botched facelift, too.
Oh Crappy, do publish pictures of Paul Vallone campaign posters on construction fences.
All over College Point.
It is so appropiate!
Maybe someone can go through the neigbhorhood and take a whole series of them - and send it to Crappy!
One highway buildboard kicking the mayor could negate $5 million in his spending.
What the hell is wrong with you guys?
john liu where are you ? hey ferreras are you really against eminent domain? then show up
Valloney Baloney, The Darkside Group, Mayor Bum-turd, Shithead Shulman!
Looks like the deck is stacked!
Is Donald Manes really dead or just calling the shots from a safe house in the federal witness protection program?
We can't seem to find a listing of him as DISEASED
in the Social Security records!
H-m-m-m-m !!!
Consideratum (from the Associated Press, June 6)
"The federal government will negotiate with landowners for one week in an effort to get property needed to build a Flight 93 memorial without using eminent domain, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said. But if no agreement is reached by June 12, the government will seize the land. The annnouncement came after Mr. Salazar and Senator Arlen Spector met with the owners of 500 acres in Western Pennsylvania where the hijacked plane crashed on Sept. ll, 2001."
Here is my newest youtube and if you are a Tony Avella supporter please visit and give me 5 stars. Recently a mentally ill youtuber harassed me endlessly for days or was it a highly paid Bloomberg campaign manger with too much money and time on his hands?
I also did a youtube of Tony on eminent domain abuse re: Columbia U.
You can find that as well under Suzannahartist Tony Avella.
thanks and best,
avella for mayor , its the only way to sleep in peace at night. with bloomass you get up in the morning and he stole your life overnight. miss troy hope you can make the press conference
I won't be able to make today's rally. However, will there be an after party at the CB#7 community board meeting tonight on Union Street? Will anyone be there to record it?
It wasn't worth recording. Gene Kelty, Chuck Apelian, and Marilyn Bitterman were no shows and the meeting was not controversial. The conflict of interest angle was not addressed. No CB#7 general meetings til the fall. Thoughts?
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