Federal prosecutors are investigating whether a contractor doing billions of dollars in business in the city overbilled for work on projects including the Sept. 11 memorial and the New York Mets' new stadium, officials familiar with the probe said Friday.
Prosecutors are looking into whether Bovis Lend Lease padded its billing reports with expenses for unworked hours, the two officials told The Associated Press. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is in its early stages.
The projects include the memorial, the $800 million Citi Field stadium that opened in April, a New York University hospital project, a mall in Queens and a former bank tower being dismantled across from ground zero, one of the officials said.
Play Ball!
No surprise here!
Just shows corrupt this city is. hopefully everyone will start to wise up and make changes on how we do business.
We can start by ridding the city of the Bloomturd sovereignty!
And what kickbacks did Shulman, Evan, Apelian (and others) get from Bovis for greasing the "Shitty Field" project through?
According to Bloomberg crime is way down in this city. I think he's talking about crime in general concerning average citizens. What he's not telling you is that among the politicians and the city council, crime is rampant. So many under the table deals. The council doesn't care if it destroys the city, as long as there's a payoff for them to line their pockets. The state government is amuk with criminals too. Next time you hear that crime is down in the city, remember, it's rampant in our government.
Could this be the start of something big?
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