WASHINGTON (AP) -- Today is Flag Day, and President Barack Obama says Americans should display their pride in Old Glory by flying it wherever possible.
He's made the customary proclamation designating Flag Day but is also extending the observance by declaring the upcoming days as National Flag Week.
The president has ordered flags displayed on all federal buildings during the week and is urging Americans to fly the Star and Stripes at their homes and other suitable places.
Obama is also calling on Americans to observe the period from Flag Day through Independence Day as a celebration of the nation's heritage, by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at public gatherings.
God I love this man.
It's smoke and mirrors. A dog and pony show. He didn't wear a flag pin in his lapel until he was embarassed to do so. Now his advisors are counseling flag-waving to bedazzle the dopes into loving him.
And when, WHEN, is he going to show us his birth certificate stashed away in Hawaii to prove he is constitutionally eligible to be the President of the United States and not the Foreign Occupier? Why did he spend $900 million on lawyers to dodge the truth?
Our flag is displayed every day. Don't need to be told to do so.
Erratum. $900,000 on lawyers.
PS The women SWOONED for Adolf.
well maybe the president is NOW feeling his great pride of AMERICA since traveling and seeing how others live........
georgetheatheist said...
It's smoke and mirrors. A dog and pony show. He didn't wear a flag pin in his lapel until he was embarassed to do so. Now his advisors are counseling flag-waving to bedazzle the dopes into loving him.
And when, WHEN, is he going to show us his birth certificate stashed away in Hawaii to prove he is constitutionally eligible to be the President of the United States and not the Foreign Occupier? Why did he spend $900 million on lawyers to dodge the truth?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
He's got nothing to prove to the VAST majority of Americans. YOU on the other hand have to prove more than just repeating paranoid wingnut sore loser gossip.
And even if he would place any documentation in your hands, you'd find an excuse for not believing it.
Those who wear flag lapel pins are simply showing off. As long as one pays his taxes an obeys the law, it's far more patriotic than some silly flag pin.
When I see someone on the subway wearing a flag pin, I ask if that person if he is running for office.
And when, WHEN, is he going to show us his birth certificate stashed away in Hawaii...
Good thing that foreign-born geezer McCain wasn't elected, huh? You'd NEVER shut up about HIS birth cert, for sure!
Asshole, McCain was born of 2 American parents in the Canal Zone. It's a long story (which I wont get into now) but McCain WAS legally born an American citizen.
Obama is the mystery man. What is he hiding behind his shit-eating grin?
Place the documentation in our hands. Go ahead. It's as simple as that.
Now. Now. As far as I can tell, Obama is the best president money can buy.
And if Bloomberg is the best mayor money can buy, then I request a refund on his behalf.
I would love to see a refund on the people's behalf...and then some. Any chance we can recoup taxpayers' money that illegally found its way into the pockets of real estate developers and their agents? Hey Claire, pay any fines lately?
With corruption being revealed at all governmental levels, it is hard to feel any sense of patriotism. Some of the staunchest flag-wavers are the ones who are benefiting from financial misdeeds. As GM goes, so goes the nation. When do ordinary citizens get a bailout?
Birth Certificate
"Those who wear flag lapel pins are simply showing off. As long as one pays his taxes an obeys the law, it's far more patriotic than some silly flag pin."
Some people wear a flag pin to remember a soldier lost in battle,
We need to rid our ranks of these pompous showoffs.
"God I love this man."
Not hard to see why this country is royally screwed.
"Birth Certificate"
Put on your glasses. This might be a forgery. It's not the ORIGINAL Birth Certificate. (Why is the number censored?)
According to Dr. Chiyome Fukino, of the State of Hawaii's Department of Health: "Therefore I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these types of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures".
If she can access it, why can't we? And not the phony one he puts up on his website. This is possibly the biggest cover-up in American history.
Obama's Oath to the Constitution was flubbed in January. He insisted that it be retaken a few days later.
Obama. Release your ORIGINAL Birth Certificate.
Asshole, McCain was born of 2 American parents in the Canal Zone. It's a long story (which I wont get into now) but McCain WAS legally born an American citizen.
First of all, the name-calling is unbecoming of such a fine upstanding citizen as yourself.
Secondly, you have only supported my assertion that McCain was foreign-born. I don't care how long the story is - where's the proof, in the form of a birth certificate, that McCain is an American? Come on, place the documentation in our hands.
Oh of course we hear from "Georgina" again on his favorite tiresome subject!
You ought to really consult with a medical specialist to have that Obama bug removed from your ass.
Then consult with a good brain man.
Or in your case you can use the same doctor for both procedures!
"George" seems to dislike all them up-itty black folk!
He prefers the good 'ol days of singin' 'n dancin' darkies!
"Shine Mista "G"?
Some people flaunt our flag shamelessly but wouldn't even sweat a little for it...let alone shed a single drop of blood in defense of democracy!
Flag waving doesn't make a true American.
But we should display it proudly in honor of those who rallied behind it to make our country great!
"George" and his Republican racists are a dying breed.
Espousing on an electronic soapbox gives him some momentary kicks and the illusion of his youth returning.
Racist? To follow the US Constitution? Look in the mirror to see who the reverse racist is.
Maybe later, I'll prove McCain's US citizenship (which for the purpose of this discussion is a moot issue - he's not in the Oval Office) I can't get into it right now, I have to go to work so I can pay your welfare check.
I dunno George,
I'm not sure if you are in any place to make accusations because your character is in question to me.
from your own admission in a previous post, you illegally cross the border into your neighbors property and kill wildlife AND do yardwork, off the books I'm assuming! YOU'RE SUSPECT!
"Now his advisors are counseling flag-waving to bedazzle the dopes into loving him."
Who are you calling a dope?
I ain't on welfare or just off the boat "Georgina".
I work for my living and my family have been US citizens for a hundred years.
Now pack that up your butt next to your Hershey brains!
I love racists who hide behind their personal, uneducated, twisted interpretations of our US Constitution.
Yeah...it's easy to smell a bigot behind all of their jingoist "rah, rah, rah America" cheers.
Bedsheets are for sleeping on fella!
Lazy Mary, you'd better get up.
We need the sheets for the table. - Lou Monte
Where was that previous president for 18 months when he should have been in the military air reserve? But had the backing of many to avoid his tests while away in Mexico doing volunteer work for poor kids I'm sure.
The documents related to Bush’s attempted transfer to the 9921st Air Reserve Squadron make it clear that Bush’s spokesmen have been lying about Bush not knowing that he was ineligible to join the 9921st. In fact, they show that his request was an attempt by Bush to fraudulently escape his obligations as a member of the United States Armed Forces.
Then theres the little problem of not providing body armor for U.S. troops in Iraq for many years, if not the first 4 years properly. I know having talked to a few vets coming back that said they were making what they could out of scrap metal. Then theres the private contractors not providing clean water to drink or shower in for troops.
Now what were you saying about pins and patriotism?
Ah, that was an exhilarating day at very productive work. By the way, my activitiy today has replenished the welfare funds and the leeches commentators can now go to the trough for their hand-outs. Form a line and take a number.
Now, where were we? Oh yes, McCain's citizenship.
Article II of the Constitution declares that "No person except a natural-born citizen...shall be eligible to the office of president".
We cannot just wish away inconvenient constitutional language. Clearly, a child born in a foreign country to two non-American parents cannot ascend to the nation's highest office.
Fact. The Constitution does not define the phrase "natural-born citizen".
The language originated in a letter that John Jay, the future chief justice of the United States wrote to George Washington DURING THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION:
"Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural-born citizen."
Washington thanked Jay for the "hints" in this letter and later the requirement that the president be a "natural-born citizen" was proposed and accepted WITHOUT DEBATE by the Convention.
One year after the Convention convened, in 1790, the first Congress enacted a naturalization law. (That Congress had 20 members who participated in the Constitutional Convention.) It decreed that
Five years later in 1795 in the passing of another naturalization law, the Congress declared that these children "shall be considered citizens."
Looking elsewhere, even in late 18th century England, its statutes gave full citizenship rights to children born in foreign lands to English citizens.
Why was this all done? To prevent a European nation from installing a member of its royal family to rule our country.
Americans have the right to vote for children of their fellow citizens who, by happenstance, or due to their parents' military obligations (SUCH AS SENATOR MCCAIN), chance to be born overseas. And don't forget, the Panama Canal Zone was an American protectorate.
Quod erat demonstrandum. The citizenship of Senator McCain is clear.
That of Barack Hussein Obama is not. Demand the birth certificate.
Italian "girl" [unfortunately I must revert to the quotation marks again]:
The dopes are those bedazzled by him. I didn't refer to you specifically as a "dope" just those bedazzled by him. Art thou bedazzled?
By the way, how come you are somewhere in cyberspace "Italian girl" and in other places "American girl" and still in others "Queens girl"?
Seems quite girlish to me.
Maybe she doesn't want to grow up and deal with the real world. I don't blame her.
Look, it's as simple as this: those who decided from day one that they hated Obama will continue to find reasons to do so.
I just wish one of you would come right out and say what you REALLY feel instead of hiding behind nonsense about flag pins.
Where's YOUR flag pin? Do YOU wear one ever day? I see plenty of Americans on the street and in the subway every day. NO flag pins.
Give me a break.
By George your a flag waving closet (maybe not so closet) racist!
Thanks for your "astute" Italian/American heritage comment...lazy George.
I've got Lou's LP in my collection.
So now you're a constitutional scholar just like Obama?
Maybe you should sign up and debate him on TV!
Every variety show needs a comedy act to flesh it out so I guess you're it!
Har-ity, harr, harr!
I dunno...You might have the right to call yourself a "girl"..."Italian G."... but George being a "man" doesn't seem to have the right to.
A good elbow in the "cul-yoons" will remind him that you're all grown up.
Why does calling myself "girl" bother you so much???
You know what you are?
A control freak.
Italian "girl"
The Italian-American donkey
Lighten up "Italian Girl".
The "woman " thing was sarcasm directed towards George .
It don't bother me what you want to call yourself...because you can take care of yourself from the sound of things (girl or woman).
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