The following attachment is the Minutes of a Parks & Recreation Public meeting on the Asser-Levy Seaside Park Amphitheater. This meeting took place Thursday, May 21 at the Aquarium. In attendance there were over 200 community residents who are in opposition to this Marty Markowitz $64 million dollar Vanity Project. Let the truth be known: The chair of the Committee, Ms. Teitelbaum, stifled dissent & didn't allow one of the leaders of the opposition, Ida Sanoff, speak. Ms. Teitelbaum declared the meeting over when Ms. Sanoff was to begin to talk. Nothing in these minutes express what truly took place, at a quality of life issue for the thousands of community residents who reside right next door to this proposed fiasco of an amphitheater.
Thank You.
Funny how the news report failed to mention the stifling of Ms. Sanoff's voice as well...
BRING IN THE FEDS...to investigate community boards. Apparently, the Bloomturd administration has found a new way to tweed the public!!!!
I attended that meeting. There WAS NOT one elected official at this important QUALITY of LIFE issue. The NO SHOWS were Councilman Domenic Recchia (famous for ruining Coney Island with friend Joe Sitt of Thor Equities), Councilam Mike Nelson ( famous for spending over $ 3000 on a personal photographer(his friend by the way) & at tax payer expense),Senator Carl Kruger ( has given $ 1 million dollars towards this fiasco of a project),and of course Mr. Brooklyn himself Marty Markowitz. NOT one showed up. They are really cowards not to face the music. They only want their asses kissed when they dole out tax payer monies to their friends who run non-profits & then give it back to them in political contributions.
Where was Brook-Krasny?
Where were all elected officials? Home, of course with families in nice appartments without any music on top of their heads, So, who cares? According to Marty, all residents should be happy to be a part of Coney Island. That should their mission to support everythnig "good" for Coney Island, not to protect their own families and life style
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