This Rite Aid at 73-26 Metropolitan Avenue in Middle Village has been closed since July 18th
when its roof collapsed. (Click photo to read sign)

It still ain't open. They recently renewed their
roof work permit. In the meantime, if you had prescriptions there you are forced to go to Rego Park to pick up your refills.
If the sign is gone you can pretty much bet that so is the pharmacy.
And yet, Sunnyside/Woodside has more Rite-Aids than I can count, including two next door to each other (on Greenpoint Avenue and 46th Street--they share a wall!)
Too many drug stores everywhere! Why not convert this store into what it used to be, The Arion Movie Theater.
Well supposedly the rite aid corp is going down the drain so i'm not surprised it's not re-opening.
cvs is the only big drugstore left on metro and less convenient.
the smaller drugstores like columbo fill prescriptions faster are lacking in the over the counter product supply.
i was in the rite aid store frequently and never saw a hint of a leak so i'm wondering what caused the roof collapse.
the liquor store and 99 cents store a few doors down have had ceilings leaking during rainstorms which makes me wonder how safe they are structurally.
don't know who owns their stores but maybe the department of buildings needs to inspect their rooves before anymore collapses happen.
now the korean fruit store that was next to chase hase moved to the corner of 75th where the dry cleaner used to be and it's hell to walk around that corner.
is taking up so much sidewalk space legal?
oops typo *the smaller drugstores like columbo fill prescriptions faster are lacking in the over the counter product supply.
(i forgot the "but")
I so miss Middle Village.
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