[Koch’s former chief of staff Diane] Coffey thanked Bloomberg for hosting the Koch birthday bash again, and said she and others “stand ready to canvass again, in Queens. Send us to Weiner territory,” referring to Representative Anthony Weiner, one Bloomberg's likely challengers. Then, for effect, Coffey added, “Yes we can.”
Other highlights from the party:
Hearing Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey greeting former City Council Speaker Peter Vallone Sr., saying loudly, "Here's my guy!"At Koch's Birthday, Bloomberg's Backers 'Stand Ready to Canvass Again, in Queens.'Please pass the barf bag...
What a surprise that Koch backs him.Hes another smug relic that needs to retire from the public.
Get Koch off NY1's political affairs show hosted by Dominic Carter. Koch still has a stake in things and crosses the ethical line. Corruption is not always about money; it is about influence, power, contacts. Of course he likes Bloomie; remember how much corruption was revealed when Mannes was found dead? It opened up a whole rotten apple under Koch. Have we forgotten that guy who worked out of a basement office in city hall dispensing jobs? Back then it was "City for sale." same with Bloomie today.
How'm I doin'?
Bloomie has no fucking teeth!!!
Bloomberg pissed all over Queens and now he expects our support?
And he'll probably get it from this dumb, clubhouse ruled, well tweeded borough of ours (make that their's)!
Sometimes I think that I'm living in the Valley of The Dolls!
(At least a real "Valley Girl" is
va, va, voom)!
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