Across the street from the site of the
triangle that is being reconfigured at 64th Street and Grand Avenue in Maspeth is an old gas station that is being converted into a bank. (Yay!) The strange thing about this? Pivot right...

Yeah. At the site of
Carvel Crap, across the street, is the same brand of bank. I'm told that the construction site will be a drive thru for this branch. (How, I don't know.) Now, what about that thing pasted on the "Valley National Bank sign" on the blue wall?

Whoops. What could this be for? How about
failure to protect the rear lot line adjoining a residential property back at the beginning of September. And it's apparently not fixed yet. I won't even ask how the in/out lanes of the drive thru are going to affect traffic safety and the triangle project...
I guess you would prefer to have the same abandoned gas atation there for an additional 15 years.
I guess commenter #1 doesn't understand that having yet another bank is detrimental to the fabric of the community. Why can't something useful be put there? Does every new store in NYC have to either be a bank or a pharmacy?
Yes and there actually was a law introduced to the city council limiting banks in a neighborhood and zoning them out of certain areas.
The main point of this post is that all construction, no matter who is doing it is probably not up to code and that a drive thru at this location is not ideal.
I really don't give a crap about the parcel becoming part of the bank, they'll be next to fold up their tents and walk away. In fact, the work was stopped before the crash and may not start again because of it.
"I guess you would prefer to have the same abandoned gas atation there for an additional 15 years."
This is a main intersection in town and I could think of a million better uses for it than a gas station or a bank parking lot.
The put the same crappy bank on 63rd Dr. Replaced a really good odds and ends store. A few weeks ago the giant rat was in front of it.
Instead of a bank couldn't we just get a 99cent store or maybe a nail salon?
Get too work Liz Crowley, these city issue's are important.
"This is a main intersection in town and I could think of a million better uses for it than a gas station or a bank parking lot."
Really? I'm don't fully agree with another bank but what do you should go there ? No matter what it turns into its going to be a mess!
What all you idiots do not seem to realize is that the specific corner in question stood abandoned for 15 years because there was no possible renter willing to take over the site and dig up the gas tanks that must be removed under the state law that went into effect 15 years ago stating that each gas station had to either replace their gas tanks with new leak proof tanks or close up shop (this one and the one on Metro & Cooper chose to close).
Valley National bank has decided to invest that extra money to remove the tanks so even if they leave 6 months later thats fine because now they have made an unattractive corner renatble to anyone.
All of you should think before you start letting all that crap come out of your mouths.
The Mivic Station moved, it didn't close. It's across the street from Mount Zion now.
What we "idiots" do understand is that even if you are doing something "good" you still have to obey the rules as you do so. Valley didn't, the site is closed down, and something as simple as a fence should be an easy thing to fix, but they apparently still haven't.
So what's the deal?
Seems that Banks, Bloomie, and Condos go arm and arm these days.
Maybe it has nothing to do with the fence. Maybe during present economic times they decided they are not in a rush to open another bank branch, maybe.
how about planting a few awesome trees along with sitting benches and green grass...grand avenue lacks trees and grass.... y not make the space more appealing rather then another cheap 99cents store
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