Here's a follow-up on
yesterday's post about traffic on Grand Avenue in Maspeth. The DOT is combining 2 triangles at the intersections of 64th Street, Grand and Flushing Avenues with the goals of calming traffic and improving pedestrian safety. You already saw the traffic part of the problem yesterday. Now how about the design of the project?

Custom made signs donated by Maspeth Chamber of Commerce destroyed (and apparently stomped on by construction workers)

Trees left unprotected and damaged.

Tractor trailers making difficult turns endangering pedestrians and jumping curbs.

Whoopsie daisy!
When they tore down the Carvel and put crap there, it was the beginning of the end.
maspeth mom says...
Yes, Kevin you hit the nail on the head. There is no parking anywhere and Maspeth doesnt really need a 99cent furniture store. It is filty out front because they dont sweep. Although I must say when I pass the driveway in the back it doesnt smell of rotting food, as it did when Pats Pizza was there.
This is a disgrace!
Get rid of the Queens DOT Commissioner-- she is clueless about her position. Understand that she is a very close friend of King Bloomie. Iris Weinshall (Chuck Shumer's wife) was also a very good friend of the King--- look what she turned the entire NYC DOT into..overpass collapses, ferry accidents, roadway deterioration,etc. A 3rd term for the King? -- the peasants say NO!
Instead of overdeveloping Maspeth, they should be downsizing it. There is way too much traffic and no place to park. Trucks have to pass through the center of town to get to the industrial part of Maspeth. Grand Avenue should be bypassed and trucks should stay on the LIE until the next exit. What was once a lovely town is now a pig sty. They should revamp our government and get rid of the City Council and all the local politicans who are in the developers pockets.
My children go to St. Stans School and Grand Avenue and they tell me that they often cannot hear the teacher speak due to the trucks passing and honking their horns.
Grand Avenue is a disgrace due to the lousy merchants - They should wash their store front windows and sweep up in front.
Fast food - check cashing stores-
99 cents stores equal a neighorboorhood in decline.
If you don't want 99 cent stores don't shop there and tell your friends not to. They wouldn't be there if people neighborhood didn't go there. I wish we had a book store instead.
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