Three of the larger businesses - Tully Environmental, Fodera Foods and House of Spices - will be permitted to stay after others are forced out.
They are expected to sell their land - now rezoned for residential and retail uses - to a developer down the road.
"The zoning as passed will make it increasingly profitable for a developer to want to buy those sites," said a spokesman for the city Economic Development Corp.
Willets Point project now a done deal
Bloomberg administration officials said they will continue talks for a while with business owners before using eminent domain, allowing the city to acquire property without price negotiations. Instead, landowners are given appraised value.
On the market, some of the land could privately fetch millions, but using land appraisals would result in significant savings for the city.
City Council OKs Willets Point eminent domain plan
Why are "The Big Three" being set up to receive mega profits while everyone else is forced to sell to the City based on "assessed value"? And here's a cute tidbit of information:
Should a situation arise where Tully, Fodera or House of Spices opt not to sell to their land, the city would be able to pursue eminent domain after 15 years, though it remains confident this will not be necessary, sources with knowledge of the negotiations said.
15 years? What happened to the entire project being completed by 2017?
this leaves the door wide open for lawsuits, the city was stupid on this one. also anyone who knows tully knows he would trade his mother for $$$, throw anyone under the bus. the other 2 never heard anything bad about.
and it will raise questions in court because you know thats the way its going to go and this big mess will be held up for years and not get built.nice going edc you messed up there will be junk yards for evewr in willets point now you let one stay they all stay you let 3 stay and you have a big court battle on your hands nice going
Eminent Domain Cases
We Help with the Protection Of Your Property Rights. Free Case Analysis
all the bizz in wilets point start calling you have a great case 3 stay and you have to go no way in hell e.d. will be stop hear check these people out on the web they could help you dont wait
Divide and conquer.
The oldest trick in the book.
they did conquer but will thety win ???
the City has won..
The fat lady has sang.
The redevelopment and rezoning has passed the City Council.
It's over. The City has won.
get over it and move on. The City is employing a phased development here and the eastern businesses have time before they have to move. The priority is 126th street as it well should be.
Over? I think not. They've only just begun to fight. The City fucked up big time on this one and they are about to find out just how badly...
Why is the priority 126th Street? I thought the priority was the contamination?
Because Biggie just slipped and showed the whole thing is being driven by Wilpon.
"The redevelopment and rezoning has passed the City Council.
It's over. The City has won."
You obviously haven't lived in NYC very long.
This vote means nothing.
Nothing will be built here.
126th and 127th streets are the core of the problem..
Even Bono would admit that.
If the city can get some development done in that area it would be a great first step.
Then they do the rest.
if you all dont think Wilpons are behind all this you are stupider than you sound.
No problem here. We all do think that the Wilpons are behind this, even Biggie, who pretends they aren't but knows the truth.
when did anyone ever pretend the Wilpon's arent behind the whole thing?
the plan has passed. the writing is on the wall and the Mets will get their entertainment destination before 2010,
Do you really think the owners who were forced to sell to the City as a reduced value are going to just go away?
Junkyards forever!
junkyards forever? whata warped thought.
Fair deals were made. More fair deals will be made. All sellers are satisfied with their terms.
Only losers who are not party to the process and just complainers are dissatisfied.
most - like Flushing Towing - want to be done with the iron triangle and work in clean environments.
If it were fair, all the businesses would have been given the option to sell to the developer at the vastly inflated rezoning rate.
What kind of asshole names himself after an obese dead gangsta rapper who was killed in a driveby?
boys, boys stop bono will never accept anything but staying and the city should let him , why can tully stay and not bono he's only 50ft away ---lawsuit--- and what about the other good businesess? why can't they stay? guess its who you know-- and what happened to the city can't pay extra its taxpayer money? but these 3 con-artist can stay and cash out at 3x the value while their brothers& sisters all around them have to move?---lawsuit---
Isn't Feinstein the 2nd largest owner? So why can't he stay too?
no ne wants to stay but the idiot Bono. All the others want to take the money and run from that stinking cess pool
Bono is too stupid to know anywhere else bu thte junk yard.
soni sold and then a week later he's staying? what happened ? was the city desperate for a deal or did they ran out of $$$ for the project and lied as always . i wish mr bono and all others the best on fighting these theifs
Anonymous said...
What kind of asshole names himself after an obese dead gangsta rapper who was killed in a driveby?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
only 10 land owners have deals or maybe 12 have deals i know its not a lot so bono cant be that far off if 90% OF THE LAND OWNERS DONT HAVE DEALS . so it looks like bono is not the only one that will fight .by all said and done 50% of willets point will have nyc in court and if so how long will this be hald up ??? 10-15-20 years i dont think ill ever have a beer after a met game
a beer after the game the mets suck go home and cry when they dont make the play offs
That Willets Point project is going to sit there longer than the "Jaundyce versus Jaundyce" case in Dicken's "Bleak House"!
(I hope my Dickensian spelling is correct).
Shulman will be pushing up daisies by then and Evan will be fatter than ever collecting Social Security.
16 landowners have deals out of 74 .. so Bono needs to go back to math class because that is NOT 90%..
Most of the landowners that dont have deals (less than 50% of the land mass and 58 or so landowners) are slum lords who rent their land and dont give two shits about the condition of the property so long as they can exploit immigrants and collect their rent checks.
this reeks of a feudal society and needs to change. these slum lords have milked the environment for too long and need to be thrown in jail for their environmental abuse.
Anonymous said...
16 landowners have deals out of 74 .. so Bono needs to go back to math class because that is NOT 90%..
Most of the landowners that dont have deals (less than 50% of the land mass and 58 or so landowners) are slum lords who rent their land and dont give two shits about the condition of the property so long
this sounds like that asshole biggieballs from that other blog hes under anonymous he thinks he knows every thing but hes just an edc dick head
Shulman that old fucken bag her and biggie can run off into the sun set and die to gether theyll never see willets point get done and i herd bigge gos to willets point to get his pice of shit car fixed what a dick
you queens crappers are so intellectually overmatched its scary.
No wonder politicians run all over you. You are complete lemmings without a stitch of brain power.
stay in your middle class ghetto and remain the bitches to the upper class.
Yes, Bono was wrong. It's not 90%, it's more like 80%. So that means the majority have deals. Oh, wait a minute...
So if the slumlords are the problem, buy them off and let everyone else stay.
Intellectually overmatched by the likes of a dead obese gangsta rapper who got capped in the ass in a drive by?
I think not.
yeah genius.
Dead people are really commenting on development deals.
so the numerical majority of the landowners are colluding to stop the development yet the city has purchased a majority of the physical land.
sounds like a textbook case for eminent domain.
hey rocket scientist -
if I commented as Santa Claus would you tell me what you wanted for Christmas?
find a clue.
So much for being intellectually overmatched by the likes of Biggie...
"so the numerical majority of the landowners are colluding to stop the development yet the city has purchased a majority of the physical land."
Wrong again, nimrod.
The City is allowing a good portion of the land to remain in control of its owners.
It's cute how Biggie thinks he can trick us by beating the numbers drum.
It's also hilarious that Biggie, Infohack and McShane are the only three commenters I have seen anywhere who think this is all ok and feel they represent the majority of city dwellers. 85% of the country is against this type of eminent domain purpose.
The City is allowing a good portion of the land to remain in control of its owners.
three owners controlling 16 acres is a good portion yet 16 deals controlling 15 acres is a pittance?
talk about twisting numbers.
And BTW, those three owners are essentially given a 15 year reprieve on selling so I could argue the land is in fact controlled by the City.
Face it. The city rezoned the land. This is something that never happened in 70 some years. It is a major accomplishment and means change is coming to the iron triangle. The chop shops are officially on the clock and their days are numbered.
"three owners controlling 16 acres is a good portion yet 16 deals controlling 15 acres is a pittance?"
When you need to control all 48 acres, yes, it is.
Since the City rezoned the land, those existing businesses should reap the benefits of that by selling their land to someone other than the City.
This will never stand up in court.
Anonymous said...
you queens crappers are so intellectually overmatched its scary.
No wonder politicians run all over you. You are complete lemmings without a stitch of brain power.
stay in your middle class ghetto and remain the bitches to the upper class.
new stadium + junk yards = willets point
thats the bset says it all
biggie is an idiot edc hack-- tully -fodera and the once sold and now staying soni have sealed the deal , this will be overturned and the city will have to start all ovber
hiram can i stay too --oh i forgot im getting 13,000 to move and i don't deserve that sorry i bothered you monster-rat
no mets cant make the play offs + junk yards for ever = willets point
13.000 wow im setting up shop
Olaya was busted last night
someone high up in nypd saw him on ny1 vandalizing hiram's campaign bus and decided a crime was committed, he was released and issued a bench ticket. hiram called kelly to complain.
I wouldn't be surprised if this order came from city hall to suppress and intimidate arturo's group.
hiram useing his power to fuck up the chop shops ,hear come the law suits to stop willets point
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