"After construction began, I received a number of traffic congestion complaints from residents and from the principal of the school. I visited the site personally on Friday October 24th at 2:30pm and again at 4:30 pm. There was no traffic congestion on Grand Avenue at that time. There was, however, some congestion on Flushing Avenue - traffic may already be adjusting its patterns. One of my staff visited the site from 7:15 to 7:50 am on October 27th and another visited it on October 28th at 8:20 am; neither employee observed any congestion. We will also be adjusting the traffic signal timing in the near future. Please know that we will continue to monitor the site. Construction should be completed by the end of November when traffic should reach a steady state."
In other words, "What traffic?" How about this:

Tomorrow: The debacle that is the triangle reconfiguration project.
Maura McCarthy doesn't have a clue. This woman is asleep at the wheel.
A portent of what the free East River bridge crossings will look like if tolls are put in place!
Aren't those simply clients headed to Enchanted Florist?
All you have to do is plug in "grand ave. and flushing ave., ny" in Google maps and click streetview to see the amount of traffic.
So let me get this straight: McCarthy concedes that she received a number of complaints, including one from a principal, yet she is convinced that traffic has readjusted itself?
"A portent of what the free East River bridge crossings will look like if tolls are put in place"
Uh no, not at all. They will not be traditional toll boths, as has been explained an infinite number of times. Please pay attention next time.
Someone grab Ms. McCarthy and bring her to Grand Spectacle on Grand Avenue. She needs an eye examination immediately. Traffic is getting worse and worse. She doesn't have a clue. Time for her to get out from behind her desk and spend a couple of hours watching the traffic creep by.
FYI - Iris was appointed by Guiliani, not Bloomberg. Yes, Bloomberg kept her on, unfortunately. But now we have Sadik-Khan, a much more qualified Commissioner to say the least!
How is she more qualified? Her traffic solutions are a joke.
Read this: Flatbush and Hanson parting ways
And this: Idiotic DOT takes a walk on the wide side
And of course, painting triangles green and pretending it's environmentally friendly.
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