Baldeo's leadership and team play led to Democrats avoiding a divisive and costly primary, and saved them over a million dollars, which proved to be a significant factor in them taking control of the State Senate for the first time since 1965. Apart from his endorsement, Baldeo put his resources behind Addabbo in a way never seen before in Queens politics, and gave the Addabbo campaign significant resources in office space, volunteers, visibility, getting out the vote, holding rallies, fundraising and registering new voters. "When Albert threw his support behind me," Addabbo said, "my chances surged, and we knew that, together, we would defeat him soundly."Press Release from Albert Baldeo & Friends: Albert Baldeo Mobilizes Big Community Turnout in Obama, Addabbo & Crowley Victories! Sorry, I just had to post this for the photos alone...
#1 Nice "war room" operation on Baldeo's part. Ragusa, Tabone, et al, why can't you assholes accomplish similar?
#2 What does Baldeo "get" for all of this?
County owes Albert big time. Let's see what they do.
Can you say "Your Honor"?
Albert is the bigest back staber in Queens. The county would be nuts to trust him and give him something.
Where is the picture of Albert holding a sign saying I made the sun come out his morning.
Dog catcher
Thanks for your team play, Albert. You deserve the Democrats' help to empower the community. Sorry, Sam, you sound like angry sour grapes. Baldeo has earned our respect.
"#1 Nice "war room" operation on Baldeo's part. Ragusa, Tabone, et al, why can't you assholes accomplish similar?"
Cry-baby. Where were you? Campaigning for Addabbo so you could complain about county? So obvious and transparent, you are.
Obama not only won the presidency, but he also won the election for addabbo, foley on long island and soon to be a victory for gennaro. pretty sure it was him, not baldeo (lol) that brought the new registrants out to vote. the party will screw him again in the end, which is probably a good thing for us.
great pic crappy, this will get many laughs!!!
What an ego! This guy is nuts. Nobody owes him anything, he got allowed to save face instead of getting buried in a primary he couldn't win and got to give himself back the money he borrowed from himself to make it look like he had a war chest.
Hey, you forgot Baldeo got 25% of the votes against Addabbo, even when he endorsed Addabbo, and let the press inform every constituent about his withdrawal. Now, that's impressive.
Baldeo can still embarass the County machinery if they continue to screw him. He is very underrated and misunderstood. Give the man credit. He handed Serf's seat on a platter to Addabbo, Crowley and Malcolm Smith.
I hope Addabbo will be good for Elmhurst as Sen. Maltese was. Certainly Rep Crowley has been a no show - forgot his neighborhood. Now his cousin Elizabeth has moneyed her way in - more deterioation in store. Bob Holden a Dem supporter - may not be wise thing to be a visible supporter in his role at JP Civic - lose credibility - better if he ran for these local offices instead. What esle is new; as we go down the tubes the Dems especially the Crowleys know how to steer a ship determinely down that hole.
The comments pro Baldeo were writen by the nut job himself.
You can tell by the style of writing. Time to check into funny farm Albert
Somebody's math is skewed. Baldy did not get 25% of the primary vote. Actually was more like 20%. According to the BOE, Addabbo got 3130 votes and Baldy got 766.
What did Maltese do for Elmhurst except send birthday greetings on our dime?
Albert Baldeo nearly took out Maltese 2 years ago without the party backing. This despite the campaign mishandling by Sam Esposito.
To really appreciate Esposito's talent, or the lack there of, just look how he guided Charles Ober into a 4th place finish in June in the 30th CD Special Election. Ober was the best candidate but Esposito couldn't communicate that. The campaign was totally botched.
The last person who should be knocking Baldeo is Sam Esposito.
Baldy got it wrong, no one owes him anything. He's just seeking public office as a means to continu to rob the immigrants of their money by making false promises when and if he gets into office. He's a total nut case.
Joe Addabbo has endorsed Baldeo. Last night at a community board meeting Baldeo was telling the board that he is running and he is supported by Addabbo and the Queens Democratic party and that he was seeking the boards endorsement for Seminerio's seat. He thought that community Boards endorsed but he was told that the board is not political in that manner.
Addabbo endorsing Baldeo is a very bad message especially given Baldeo's past, his lack of community involvement and his criminal past. What was Addabbo thinking? Hmmmm Maltese sounds better everyday. Did we make a mistake here?
Baldeo also has said that upon advise from Addaabo and a 1 yr rule that you have to live in the district for 1 yr before you can run, Baldeo moved into the district right after the Baldeo/Addabbo alliance.
Assemblyman Baldeo? I am not voting for Baldeo even if it means I would have to vote for a Maltese. Maybe Maltese should run for that seat otherwise we are in trouble. Thanks Joe.
My Baldy can beat up your Baldy anyday.
That Community Board lie is all BS. Balby is a grass roots organizer. But, hey, I like that. Maltese v. Baldeo II. Let's get it on. My bets on Baldy. The Daily News reported that he trounced Serf in Seminerio's district by getting 69%in Richmond Hill and 60%in Ozone Park. That despite Seminerio endorsing Serf, Serf mailing that flyer claiming some vicious lies about him-when it was Serf and Denis Gallagher who were producing porn movies at the Christ the King. That nasty campaign does not work anymore, as Joe Addabbo proved in ousting him. Maltese will endorse Baldy also. It's all penitence now for Maltese.
esposito should crawl back in his hole and leave the blogging to us
Addabbo did not endorse Baldy for anything. Baldy lies like a sieve.
Hey, Addabbo needed Baldeo. Not the other way around, assuming the former was gracious enough to reciprocate....
I have lived in South Ozone Park for 32 years. I was appalled when the Mandir was difiled by a display of this Meeks fellow. He has never been here and done anything when introduced he was questioned about the ever eroding condition of our community and what he was going to do instead he spoke about immigrants and how great we are.
To add insult to injury he was bought there by Albert "Sell Out" Baldeo. Here is a word to the wise Baldeo is not our leader he is a self-serving modern day Judas.
This Meeks is a political lungayrah, I am researching and didn’t have to dig too much to see how honorable he is.
We need real help!
I will be posting this on every blog I can find.
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