Thursday, the plan to redevelop Willets Point comes up for vote in the largely corrupt and inept City Council. Land owners there who aren’t getting a fair shake from the EDC will face eminent domain should they lose. If Bloomberg gets his way, we’ll see yet another Flushing Airport. over 5 years after Bloomberg announced development of that site - nothing has happened. They haven’t even built an access road and only now got around to taking down the abandoned buildings in the property. It’ll be another 5-25 years before anything ever gets built there.
C’mon Mr. Mayor. Get Real. Willets Point will be bulldozed and sit vacant until long after you’re dead at this rate, and the Queens economy will suffer significantly as jobs are thrown away in high hopes of some mega development deal that won’t bare fruit for years to come. We need those jobs NOW, not some presumption that this deal might maybe someday create jobs far down the road.
I grew up in College Point and remember the days before Target and even Waldbaums were on 20th Avenue. The open land there was nice and it's sad that people seem horrified my unmanaged space and want to immediately fill it with strip malls are ugly multi-family homes.
Part of the property has been designated as wetlands and part is developable. Here's the caveat. The developable part is surrounded by the designated wetlands. I also believe that part of the wetlands were mitigated for the new road being put in. The surrounding communities have also made it clear to this administration that any project that will increase traffic in the area is unacceptable. This could get interesting, eh?
And it was sad to see the historic post WWI hangars so callously bulldozed over, even though they were well on their way to falling apart on their own. It is just another commentary on the disrespect this administration has for historic landmarks and sites in New York City.
the pepole running this city dont know whats right for this city they only want to line there pockets with money thats whats willets points all about whos making the most $$$$$$$$$ its a sad thing we need change fast we have to get this mayor and his friends out and fast
It was John Liu & Co. (the Staviskys etc.)who supported the illegal use of the land for the construction of a warehouse depot, despite the fact that it wasn't his district, that held things up!
Always sticking his nose in somebody else's district and business to grab a series of photo ops!
Italicized passages and many of the photos come from other websites. The links to these websites are provided within the posts.
Why your neighborhood is full of Queens Crap
"The difference between dishonest and honest graft: for dishonest graft one worked solely for one's own interests, while for honest graft one pursued the interests of one's party, one's state, and one's personal interests all together." - George Washington Plunkitt
The above organizations are recognized by Queens Crap as being beneficial to the city as a whole, by fighting to preserve the history and character of our neighborhoods. They are not connected to this website and the opinions presented here do not necessarily represent the positions of these organizations.
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I grew up in College Point and remember the days before Target and even Waldbaums were on 20th Avenue. The open land there was nice and it's sad that people seem horrified my unmanaged space and want to immediately fill it with strip malls are ugly multi-family homes.
if the environmental wackos didnt disrupt the Flushing Airport plans it would have been developed already.
Isn't Flushing Airport a wetland? How can they develop it? I thought those habitats were protected.
The same environmental wackos who say Willets Point needs to be developed to save the environment?
Part of the property has been designated as wetlands and part is developable. Here's the caveat. The developable part is surrounded by the designated wetlands. I also believe that part of the wetlands were mitigated for the new road being put in. The surrounding communities have also made it clear to this administration that any project that will increase traffic in the area is unacceptable. This could get interesting, eh?
And it was sad to see the historic post WWI hangars so callously bulldozed over, even though they were well on their way to falling apart on their own. It is just another commentary on the disrespect this administration has for historic landmarks and sites in New York City.
the pepole running this city dont know whats right for this city they only want to line there pockets with money thats whats willets points all about whos making the most $$$$$$$$$ its a sad thing we need change fast we have to get this mayor and his friends out and fast
It was John Liu & Co. (the Staviskys etc.)who supported the illegal use of the land for the construction of a warehouse depot, despite the fact that it wasn't his district, that held things up!
Always sticking his nose in somebody else's district and business to grab a series of photo ops!
Too bad and F.U. to you C.M. Liu!
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