Village Historian
Incorporated Village of Bellerose
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
As many of you may be aware, the beloved Neighborhood Icon, “The Frozen Cup” will most likely fall prey to the wrecking ball to make way for a new hotel.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation sponsors a program called “This Place Matters” which is a website which showcases all types of properties of historic nature and/or properties of importance to the community. The Frozen cup has been a part of our landscape and our lives for half a century. As the Bellerose Village Historian, the importance of it’s place in our community history should be documented. Also, this website many times spurs action among other preservation and historical organizations which may lead to an effort to save the building. It could be preserved in it’s present location, or maybe someone who would want to move it to another location. Sometimes aspects of a significant property can be saved, such as Frozen Cup Iconic “cone sign” At the very least, it will start the documentation of a meaningful part of our local landscape in our history.
What can you do?
1. Visit the website at www.preservationnation.org/thisplacematters
2. Join me in creating a photo to send to this site on Thursday November 13th at 4 PM. I will print out several copies of the “this place matters” sign for people to hold and I will take a group photograph. I encourage children in particular to be part of this historic moment. (so I am cc’ing my Cub Scouts!) Meet me “at the Cup” at this time.
3. Please share with me your memories and stories about the Frozen Cup for our historical archives.
4. Spread the word, buildings are often saved by unlikely resources.
5. Spread the word, that I am collecting information on the Frozen Cup for our historical record.
6. Continue “the buzz” maybe the developer of the property will see that the Ice Cream stand has more importance and support from the community than a hotel would.
Thanks for your support!
Alan Woodruff
Village Historian
Incorporated Village of Bellerose
See also Frozen Cup is History
Why is a hotel needed right there on Jamaica Ave/Jericho Turnpike? Can't the place be turned to a restaurant or something like that? Why a hotel?
Just took down one of the last Carvels on Steinway Street. What happend to the delightful cone?
More barricks to be gushed over for astorians.com!
Possibly the stupidest decision I've ever heard. There's no demand/need for a (potentially sleazy) hotel in such a very residential area as there is nothing here to warrant one (i.e. zero tourist attractions). Besides that there's already a very large hotel two blocks East on Jericho Turnpike! The little existing business is already absorbed by The Floral Park Hotel.
It's the blind leading the blind.
There's already the Floral Park Motor Lodge two blocks East of the site for the proposed (potentially sleazy) hotel. There's no demand for the existing hotel let alone any real need for another one. Whereas Frozen Cup is actually very much in demand for much of the year. Real smart.
There's very little of anything locally anymore for any of the existing inhabitants of Bellerose to frequent. All this will do is alienate the locals to go elsewhere for everything. The area has become much less of a neighborhood community than an common avenue lined with eyesores of cheap awnings above shops that no one who lives there goes into therefore the shops go out of business. Stupid.
Listen Bill, times have changed. There are very few communities that are the same as they were 20 years ago. In 3 years, bellerose's population is projected to be 62% of foreigners. If you walk out on hillside you can't walk a block without seeing a quicki mart. I am all for them knocking down frozen cup! Its not gonna be that bad having a hotel there. Look at it this way, it could be worse. Would you rather a hotel or a strip club there?
It's not zoned for a strip club, moron.
"Listen Bill, times have changed. There are very few communities that are the same as they were 20 years ago. In 3 years, bellerose's population is projected to be 62% of foreigners. If you walk out on hillside you can't walk a block without seeing a quicki mart. I am all for them knocking down frozen cup! Its not gonna be that bad having a hotel there. Look at it this way, it could be worse. Would you rather a hotel or a strip club there?"
No offense u must a the DUMEST jerkoff i ever meet i bet your indian or something so listen heres the game get with the program or GET THE HELL OUT
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