There was heavy campaigning in Middle Village over the past month by Como and Crowley, however both apparently didn't realize that they wasted postage sending fliers to the part of Middle Village in Melinda Katz' district. Several voters went to their poll sites only to be turned away for living in District 29.
Councilman Tony Avella was spotted going door-to-door with Charles Ober to get out the vote.
Polls close at 9pm.
Where can I find out results?
Not on television, they'll probably announce it for the machine-backed candidate as soon as the polls close. Hopefully, the pundits will eat crow tonite.
Does anyone know who won?
It's 10:15 p.m. The polls have been closed for over one hour. The NYC Board of Elections can't get its act together? I've got the Presidential results from South Dakota and Montana. No one can cover a simple election in Queens?
If this district were in Manhattan, the networks would have interrupted their programming to announce the results.
Hey, it's not easy to count past ten. Give the Board of Elections a break.
This was my first night poll watching. I had a terrible realization: we put the fate of democracy in the hands of crazy little old ladies. You get what you pay for.
Old folks can be extremely partisan and set in their ways.
"Councilman Tony Avella was spotted going door-to-door with Charles Ober to get out the vote."
Ober came in last place and it wasn't even close. Shows what an Avella endorsement is worth. Maybe he picked up a clue today and will give up his pipe dream of being Mayor.
Dennis is blogging.
Now that the Republican party has gotten the stench of granny molester Dennis Gallagher off of them, I wish Mr. Como the best. If he retains the corrupt staff of Gallagher, including the stripper and the swinger, however, there will be hell to pay.
What's wrong with strippers and swingers? Are they cute at least?
Christ I'm discouraged. Crowley Como Como Crowley, neither one of them is fit for public office - how did they come in 1st and 2nd? I mean, I KNOW how they came in 1st and 2nd but that just discourages me. *BLETCH*
On the other hand: He's going to be indicted for something in the near future, right?
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