Helen Marshall's staff faces uncertainty
"She has a very bright, talented office - there's no question about it," said Michael Reich, executive secretary of the Queens County Democratic Party. "That's why Helen Marshall has been so successful as borough president."
Tito Luna, 37, Marshall's youth services director, said he's planning on moving on when the borough president leaves. "By the time she's out, I'm looking to leave New York City altogether," he said.
Her talented staff
has had to cover up for B.P. Marshall all these years.
Otherwise Helen would have been standing out there alone and clueless,
in the middle of the halls of government....
and recognized for the dim witted light bulb
that she really is !
"Sob.....sob......Where's my mamma" ?
she's shrewed enough to know how
to accept money from her developer friends !
In exchange for which,
she performs for them at the proper time
like a trained Seal in a circus act.
Yes sir !
Her talented staff has been at borough hall for years! Her talented staff are leftovers from previous administrations. Some of her talented staff should retire already!
If they're so talented, how come Marshall comes across as an dim-witted uncaring moron evertime she opens her mouth? She can't even name landmarks in her own boro, and advocates building without commitments to improve transportation and infrastructure.
She's 100% worthless.
She learned her trade from Shulman.
The "moron" she plays is just a role!
If you act dumb ......nobody will ever think
you're smart enough to be corrupt!
Melva Miller is 33! You've got to be kidding!!! She looks 23!!! A real Hottie! Va-va-va voom!
Melva, I love when you wear your stiletto heels.
Is this the staff that suggested Helen demonstrate her care for the people by talking about overcrowded schools, the staff that suggested that Helen cares deeply about the escalating growth of the communties as hospital bed/firmen/police officers per resident is plumeting. Perhaps this is the staff that suggested that Helen comment on how the transit network is about jammed and its madness to even consider an additional 100,000s of people. I am sure that this is the staff that has Helen express outrage on ugly MacMansions desplioling our communities, our deteriorating shopping areas where 99 cent stores reign supreme, and our irreplacable historic heritage destroyed for human warehouses.
No, its the staff that tells Helen to keep her message simple. The staff that tells her so say development development development and not to worry, the newspapers and clubhouse will nod behind her with calm self assured smiles the public will go along with anything they say.
We should just lay down and enjoy it because a bunch of two bit developers just bribed a buch of two bit hacks.
Dont let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.
"She has a very bright, talented office - there's no question about it," said Michael Reich, executive secretary of the Queens County Democratic Party. "That's why Helen Marshall has been so successful as borough president."
If I were Helen, I be insulted by that remark. But then again, the remark is coming from a carpetbagger from Long Island.
The Queens Dem machine isn't run by Queens residents it's run by a bunch of carpetbaggers from other areas!
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