The top one comes from the Daily News.

The bottom one comes from a recent Vito Lopez mailer.
Miss Heather has the story and the rest of the mailer.
The Daily News goes in depth on what this is about.
This guy is either really stupid, or has cojones the size of cantaloupes.
I'd say both! Why choose?
Vito didn't go far enough - he could have substituted Diane Lane for Hillary - or at least with that pose, Evita Peron, for more Latina appeal.
I thought Hillary supports Weener Boy, since her Saudi Princess and heir apparent is the wife?
Gary, you beat me to it! 100% agree!
He needed someone more experienced with Photoshop editing.
Wow Hillary photoshopped as skinny and curvy - what's going on here?
Anon No. 6:
Remember who put out the leaflet. Why would she look any different?
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