Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dangerous trees in many parks

We have phony park advocates petitioning for funding for tweeding programs via public private partnerships instead of demanding adequate funding in the city Parks budget, and we're surprised this is happening?


Anonymous said...

Hollowed out and leaning trees should get immediate attention by Parks.

Anonymous said...

Took a walk through Bowne Park this morning amidst the illegal picnic tables, cheap plastic chairs and HUNDREDS of crushed out cigarette butts and counted 20+ trees that should be removed due to trunk rot and many more branches that should be trimmed.

Just think of the hue and cry if one of the said branches came crashing down on the smoking gamblers at the illegal picnic tables? Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits...

Hey, maybe Vallone should campaign there and hand out business cards.

Anonymous said...

Gee in wonder why... could it be that while most major cities budget a good chunk of their funds to their parks system, NYC is *way* below average?

Its a big gap. Oh, but its OK, Prospect and Central get their own private funding, so therefore no parks need city funds.

Anonymous said...

Gee, "adequate funding" somehow sounds like "raise my taxes". No thanks. Kill the unions. Kill the government waste. Then come back to me and say you need more.

Anonymous said...

Many of the small parks or sitting areas have dangerous tree conditions as well.

Queens Crapper said...

Adequate funding means moving the percentages around. We don't need the EDC. Defund that and put the money toward the Parks budget.