From DNA Info:
The building housing a long-time and prominent Rego Park synagogue is slated for demolition, raising fears that the congregation, which has more than 1,000 people, will have no place to go.
The worries came despite assurances from new landlord Rudolf Abramov of Trylon LLC that the displacement of Ohr Natan Synagogue would be temporary and the congregation will be allowed back once the new building is completed.
The news also comes after the congregation poured more than $2 million into a 4-year-long renovation of the historic former Art Deco Trylon Theatre.
The group's rabbi, Nahum Kaziev, said he fears that despite the developers' pledge, the congregation may not be allowed to return.
Kaziev also said the displacement during the construction period would last a couple of years.
"Where are we going to be in the meantime? On the street?," said Kaziev. “It’s unbelievable, it’s a shame."
The 25,000-square-foot property, located on a triangle-shaped lot between Queens Boulevard, 99th Street and 66th Avenue, was sold in December 2012, for $9 million, according to Eugene Kim from Massey Knakal, a real estate company, which facilitated the sale.
It was sold in 2012? I found a blog post about it, but no press release. Interesting that all media outlets would fail to pick up this February news story about such a controversial property. Who exactly did Massey Knakal send it out to...or did they "forget" to send it out?
Anyway, I don't feel sorry for the congregation at all. They could have had a permanent home. But they instead chose to lobby Melinda Katz for funding to destroy historical aspects of it as well as to deny landmark status for the building. Why couldn't preservation be part of the plan? Because they just HAD TO destroy the historic mosaics in front of the place and cinderblock up the entrance. So they are about to get exactly what's coming to them.
I second the motion, no sympathy at all for the congregation. You lay down with dogs, you share the fleas.
Is nothing in this country sacred?
Who the hell are these people hell-bent on destroying the artifacts of this county's brief history?
Can they please go home? There's nothing left here.
Fuck 'em!
Kaziev is getting what he deserves for destroying the art deco masterpiece (1939 Words Fair icon) the Trylon Theater.
What goes around comes around.
Enjoy stewing i your own juice. This Bukharian barbarian is now being kicked in the ass by an even bigger barbarian. Such is karma.
Melinda Katz made this all possible.
Imagine what this developer's whore will be doing to your nabe if she gets elected Queens borough president?
Be sure to vote for Tony Avella for beep, the neighborhoods' friend!
Read this and tell me why the people of Queens still believe in the Landmarks Law, something that, like waterfront development and tweeder programs, you taxes are going into while your community and borough slowly sinks into squalor.
The Landmarks Law is not only unfair, but is a sham and should be overturned until something is crafted that will not permit this travesty to continue.
You patience is not 'working within the system.' It means to everyone else that your are stupid dopes that will patiently put up with any shit thrown at you.
And in politics, that means you end up under the tank treads.
Read this and tell me why the people of Queens still believe in the Landmarks Law, something that, like waterfront development and tweeder programs, you taxes are going into while your community and borough slowly sinks into squalor.
The Landmarks Law is not only unfair, but is a sham and should be overturned until something is crafted that will not permit this travesty to continue.
You patience is not 'working within the system.' It means to everyone else that your are stupid dopes that will patiently put up with any shit thrown at you.
And in politics, that means you end up under the tank treads.
So if I have this correct - they ignored the community's plea that they do not destroy those mosaics which were beautiful, unique, and irreplaceable - and then they turn around and now demand that community support their occupation of the building against the owner plans for it.
This is chutzpah of someone who murders his parents and demands clemency because he's an orphan.
thirded. motion passed.
wonder what happens to the bike store
they used to be in forest hills and moved a few years ago because the landlord raised the rent
there was also a huge fire on that block two years ago. i bet the landlord doesn't want to rebuild the burnt part
just look at the bucharian houses from forest hills to jamaica estates and tell me if they care about the way anything they own looks. if they didnt build the ugliest houses i wouldnt care, but they strip off the grass, build these huge metal fences....it never stops.
None of these people are citizens, they are not registered voters. they have nothing but disdain for Americans. What are they doing in our country besides robbing us all blind? How many of their community are on government benefits and other Jewish Poverty program handouts?
It's a shondala that this movie theater was closed.
The congregants are politically naive, and do not really want to get involved. Their leaders are easily manipulated by elected officials.
the burn part is now a supermarket - saw it the other day.
The block that was burned down hAs actually been rebuilt.
I saw a decent looking supermarket that took some of the space.
So if I have this correct - they ignored the community's plea that they do not destroy those mosaics which were beautiful, unique, and irreplaceable - and then they turn around and now demand that community support their occupation of the building against the owner plans for it.
These are the same people who chop down trees and pave over grass lawns so they can put up a 8' fence and park their fleet of luxury cars behind it.
do you really think they care about mosaics?
Or history, for that matter? They all drive german cars!!!
It is a damn shame how many immigrants come here and instead of learning something about their new land and history and fitting in, they destroy our history and the powers to be just sit by idly. I do not even see the point of why they come here if want they want it the exact same thing that they left.
At least when the Tabernacle of Prayer Church took over the Former Valencia Lowe's Wonder Theatre, they left in completely intact, thanks to it being landmark. The church also has tours of this beautiful theatre, which many people do monthly. You can see it at http://cleanupjamaicaqueens.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/the-gem-of-jamaica-the-former-lowes-wonder-theatre-the-valencia/
They cinderblocked up the front because they're Bukharian and that's how they roll! I am much more concerned about Tower Diner. Please don't take away Tower Diner!!!!
yep, just like the Irish and Italians around 1900. they destroyed the american culture of the time
Joe - the people at the Tabernacle of Prayer also have respect for the history of the Valencia, beyond its designation. The people who own and use the Trylon clearly do not.
Everyone is wrong here because they put their trust in a system that was not playing on a level field while they were.
Let me explain.
Don't knock the Bukharian, a people that live a history and heritage undreamed by most Americans.
Their taste may differ, but lets face it, they are encouraged to go there by the tweeders who know that a divided community is a controlled community.
The advocates for the theater did everything they should have done - but they were betrayed the people they but their trust in - their elected officials who did nothing to stop the theater's distruction, and by a landmarks commission that has no intention of following the law or the spirit of the law and whose only interest in Queens was to collect taxes for landmark communities that Queens never will have.
By the same token the Jewish community was likely told that landmarking would make it difficult to use the building and impose all sorts of costs on them.
Did the electeds try to correct this impression? Did the commission? Of course not. Indeed, they were likely the ones who whispered these things.
So you have a congregation raedy to sink millions anyway, alienated from the community, in a building that - not landmarked - was doomed.
Now everyone - the congregation and the community - see that they made a mistake.
Do not compound your errors by attacking each other.
You were all failed by the system - elected officials and the Landmark Commission.
If you had the backbone to stand up to the Queeens delegation, their victory over you would have been costly and ultimately defeating.
Learn from your mistakes.
Your elected officials played you like a violin, while the commission swung the baton.
Stop being the doormats of you electeds. Threaten to throw out the law.
Cause until you do, you will loose over and over again. They will never deal you a card higher than a 6 spot until you do.
And where do the Queens BP contenders stand on this?
Will they stand up and fight against the destruction of our Boro by deep pocketed developers?
Thank you for the links to the images of the Trylon Theater, sorely missed. There was a lengthy process to attempt landmark status. Even if it was not granted, the complete disregard for the theater's mosaic tile entrance and lobby, marquis and impressive facade is a complete slap in the face to the community. A previous poster asks us not to blame the Bukharin, but honestly, how can we empathize when this owner so deliberately defaced a neighborhood icon?
the INTERIOR of the former Valencia Theater IS NOT landmarked.
The NYC landmark law forbids designating a religious sanctuary a landmark.
That would amount to government interference with religion, which runs contrary to our Constitution.
More credit to the "Tabernacle", that the church willingly protected (and are most proud of) the interior of their fine house of worship.
I had volunteered and advised the "Tabernacle" to preserve their treasured building (back in the 1990s) while I served as a trustee of the Queens Historical Society.
They were most cordial and have cared for the wondrously ornate interior ever since. I had even attended a couple services there. They impressed me.
This site is one of 5 "wonder theaters", built to the hilt, by the Loew's Corp.
They are ALL still standing and are being creatively reused in other forms.
The list includes.
"Loew's Kings", Brooklyn (owned by NYC being refurbished); "Loew's Jersey, Jersey City (performing arts center); "Loew's 175th Street, Manhattan (Reverend Ike's Church); "Loew's Paradise" Bronx; (multi use entertainment event center) "Loew's Valencia", Jamaica (church).
And where do the Queens BP contenders stand on this?
Will they stand up and fight against the destruction of our Boro by deep pocketed developers?
Just like the Chinese in Flushing who destroyed a land marked movie theater.
First of all, Bukharians vote. Rabbi Kaziev holds voter drives throughout the year. Most are here legally and have lived here for at least 20 years. Most are citizens by now.
Secondly, when we look to the Duane Reade on Continental Avenue, the former Forest Hills Theater- that place seems more worthy of landmarking than the Trylon. The Midway too appears more worthy.
But sure, let's pick on the Bukharians.
As for their large mansions, unlike most Americans who would prefer to ship grandma off to distant Florida, we prefer to take care of our elders. They live with us in three-generation homes. We don't cremate either, because we take care of our cemeteries and respect our dead.
Too many ambulettes on your street? That's because we want our elders to enjoy their golden years at senior programs, rather than wasting away in front of a television.
If you really dislike Bukharians, avoid going to a barber, jeweler or pharmacist. In Queens, it's a high chance that person is Bukharian.
"As for their large mansions, unlike most Americans who would prefer to ship grandma off to distant Florida, we prefer to take care of our elders. They live with us in three-generation homes. We don't cremate either, because we take care of our cemeteries and respect our dead."
Actually, our retirees generally move to Florida on their own volition, they are not "shipped" anywhere. And many Americans live in 3 generation homes. Nursing homes exist for people who need 24 hour medical care. It's hard to believe that no Buks need medical care when they age. Cremation has nothing to do with not wanting to take care of cemeteries. It's usually a preference spelled out in someone's will.
Maybe you should look at your own hatred of Americans. Why did you move here if this culture is so awful and conflicts with yours?
Yes, the Bukharians have to build oversized ostentatious houses with no greenery whatsoever and a Hummer parked in the driveway because they care about taking care of grandma. Not because they want to show off the money they scammed from Medicaid.
"Secondly, when we look to the Duane Reade on Continental Avenue, the former Forest Hills Theater- that place seems more worthy of landmarking than the Trylon. The Midway too appears more worthy."
Well then, I am sure the Bukharian community will nominate these structures for landmarking since they care about the neighborhood.
The truth is that the Trylon was barely altered from its original appearance until the Kaziev crew took the place over and jackhammered it.
It's funny but true. When I drive down 112th Street with my folks, we point at mansions and say, "This one is ugly, that one looks nice, etc"
Here are a few Bukharian structures worth admiring:
Bukharian Jewish Community Center: 106-16 70th Avenue. Jerusalem Stone exterior, mosaic mural, huge glass window, carved wood ark inside.
110-53 68th Drive. Solomon residence: Nicely laid out roof shingles. Home lines up with its neighbors. Mowed lawn has no fence or brick wall.
69-03 112 Street. Kikov residence. Dark red bricks and a wrought iron fence. Lawn with plenty of grass preserved.
100-17 71st Avenue. Pinkhasov residence. A modernist alteration with corner windows.
110-06 68th Road. Moshel residence. A modernist rarity with a semicircular window.
Coming soon: My least favorite Bukharian structures!
Didn't Rebbi Kasiev or his cultists gave $$$$$$ to Melinda Katz....no?
This particular group of Bukharians represent the achievement of the American dream....so let's applaud them.
Only a few years before occupying their glitz palaces in Forest Hills...they lived in the Steppes herding sheep and milking goats...former sheep-dip peasants!
Like their Russian cousins...they are heavy handed, show-offs.
In other words, they would make perfect politicians
G-d forbid one ever gets elected to hold an important office.
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