From the Times Ledger:
An Auburndale block is fuming over a home in foreclosure that has fallen into disrepair and become a neighborhood eyesore.
Residents said the one-family house, at 32-28 Utopia Pkwy., has become an overgrown spectacle that acts as an unauthorized hangout for people who sometimes show up by the van full.
“It is a disgrace. This has been going on for years and years,” said Joan Deleo, who lives near the crumbling residence. “If I tell you about the characters who come in and out of there, you wouldn’t believe it.”
A battered awning covers junk left on the front porch and the front door is stuffed with restaurant menus and advertisements. Bags of trash are piled by the side door.
Until a neighbor recently intervened with his gardening tools, wild growth of weeds out front choked the sidewalk.
According to complaints filed with the city Department of Buildings, the garage door has been unsealed, giving house guests access to the building.
Who (which bank) foreclosed on the property?
Aren't they responsible for sealing the building?
Picket THEIR office and encourage neighbors to close their bank accounts. Money talks!
You've got to be creative when the city agencies don't do their jobs. Complaining gets you nowhere...except hearing the same old excuse from NYC, "We're understaffed".
If I lived next door,
I'd install a floodlight on my home
pointed toward that house for immediate results.
Law enforcement specialists have always stated
that a WELL LIT yard discourages burglars, squatters, etc.
The increased cost of electricity is well worth it
until the situation is finally remedied.
Cockroaches always hide in dark places.
Gee, this sounds like a case for
1. your city councilman
2. your community board
3. your community newspaper
share their dodging the issue with crappy and lets all have fun.
Anon 3:
The Times Ledger IS a community newspaper. Gee.
could this have been the result of the Community Re-investment Act and repeal of most of the Glass- Steagal Act. ?
for more info see: Bill Clinton and Andrew Cuomo....
Anon No, 5:
Changing the subject again to suit a far-right wing agenda?
#6....From NY Post Wed.,9-6-12,by Charles Gasparino:
"Yet the reality of what caused the banking collapse has the fingerprints of tonight's keynote speaker all over it. Consider two Bubba boo-boos that trace straight to the housing bubble and the 2008 financial crisis.
the first is his obsession with pushing homeownership to new highs via government coercion. the second is his unleashing of Wall Street risk-taking.
Clinton charged his Housing secretaries, Henry Cisneros and Andrew Cuomo with driving homeownership rates up to about 70% of households from around 64 % in the early 90's.
How did they do this ? Through rigorous enforcement of housing mandates such as the Community Re-investment Act and by prodding mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddiie Mac to make loans to people with lower credit scores ( and to buy loans that had been made by banks and ,later, "innovators" like Countrywide)
and yes Bush continued Clinton's policies--but did try to rein in Fannie and Freddie in his later years, before the meltdown.But Democrat baron Barney Frank balked at stopping the train before the wreck .)
read more in this article on glass-steagall act/clinton
this subject is common this week in the media. and is ON TOPIC (FORECLOSURE).
government caused taxpayer $$$$$ waste is a concern for all citizens ,especially when our nation's debt is $16 TRILLION and rising.
one wonders which bank foreclosed on this property. could it be Citibank?
"to be sure ,ending Glass-Steagall was a bipartisan folly, but Clinton was fully on board. He killed it at the advice of then Secretary Robt. Rubin, a Goldman -Sachs alum ,who went to work for the biggest beneficiary of Glass-Steagal's demise, mega bank Citigroup.
Citigroup soon took risk-taking to new levels, obliging other banks to follow its lead--and in the end it crashed and burned like the rest of the banking business. (indeed, Citigroup's taxpayer bail out was far more generous than it's rivals', because the size of the risk-taking gone bad was far more dangerous to the financial system."
which one of the above was convicted of perjury and lost his law license? can his endorsement be credible ?
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