First there's the shock of crumpled metal and airbags. Now add MasterCard or Visa to injury because Mayor Michael Bloomberg is sending a bill for the ambulance that shows up to help you after a car accident.
The FDNY is considering a plan to charge drivers who require the services of the fire department after a crash.
Car fires with injuries will bill out at nearly $500. A crash with no injuries gets a discount, ringing it at $415. If there's no fire or injuries the cost would come to a "mere" $365.
If you need help, you'll pay regardless of who's to blame for the crash. And insurance companies warn that policies may not cover the new charges.
Crippled by the city's budget constraints, the fire department said in a statement it "can no longer afford to provide" emergency services to drivers at no cost to those who require them."
The Cash for Crash plan is scheduled to start next summer. The city expects it will generate about $1 million a year in revenue.
This plan is not going over very well with the public or elected officials.
Didn't this guy run for a third term based on the premise that at this time of budget crisis, we needed him because no one else could handle it? And this is the shit he comes up with?
I'm confused. Don't insurance companies already get charged for ambulance service? I've never needed one, but I know I've seen charges on insurance statements for my dad when he needed one. I want to say charges were around $3-400. Is this an additional charge? Or is this a new charge for those that are uninsured and use ambulances as a bus (hence the term "bus") to the ER when they have a cold or a hangnail?
And he wants to run for President, right? If most New Yorkers hate him, do you really think the folks in Iowa will vote for him?
Let see....Insurance rates go up..Most likely you will see more HIT & Runs..Argument at an accident scene about the individual saying "I DID NOT CALL YOU AND I DON"T NEED YOU"...and isn't this what I pay taxes for? Does that mean My taxes will go down?....Somehow, legally we have to get rid of this guy.
No surprise to me. You already get charged if you have to make use of an ambulance, no matter what the emergency is.
The man needs to return to Boston and lose his EZ Pass.
Somehow, legally we have to get rid of this guy.
Have no fear. If the accident occurs overnight, the fire houses will be closed anyhow.
Maybe if the mayor and the EDC would stop developing every piece of vacant property and stop giving their rich buddies large tax breaks, this new insult would never have even been considered.
The City has been billing for ambulances for many years. The ambulance fee is from $500 to almost $700 depending upon service(s) rendered.
I believe this is in addition to that fee. You're apparently paying for Fire Fighter response and service.
I believe this is in addition to that fee. You're apparently paying for Fire Fighter response and service.
huh? Double dipping? Get rid of Bloomberg now! He's killing NYC!
I misread the article...you're being charged a minimum for the ambulance's response. If you are treated/transported you are billed accordingly.
The "Car Fire" fee is what lead me to conclude there was a fee for FF response.
That fee needs to be clarified.
I am sure there's a constitutional challenge in this mess somewhere. It's not as if I can set myself up as a for-profit provider of services currently performed by FDNY and NYPD. The city has not only the duty to provide such services, but already gets compensated for it by taxes, and the city maintains a monopoly for these services in the classical sense of the term.
Just curious. Why does the FIRE Department provide AMBULANCE service?
"Maybe if the mayor and the EDC would stop developing every piece of vacant property and stop giving their rich buddies large tax breaks, this new insult would never have even been considered."
Yea, its also going to be $100 a year added to re-new your car reg ($200 Bi-annual).
They did this in California to try and prevent bankruptcy.
Its $600+ a year to register a average 2800 pound car in California not including the $200 smog inspection sticker.
Welcome to Bloombers New Los Angeles
This is an insult!
The City must raise additional revenue.
Paying for Fire Dept. services is one option.
I have another plan that has the potential for providing greater revenue while improving public safety.
In the past few years, many miles of city streets have been converted for the exclusive use of bicycle traffic.
Clearly, our city administration believes in the future growth of this alternative form of transportation and is investing resources to facilitate this expansion.
Therefore, I am suggesting the following.
Any bicycle that is ridden on a NYC street must be licensed like other vehicles.
They must display license plates, pay vehicle use and registration fees and carry the appropriate
liability and collision insurance.
This helps offset the development costs of these initiatives and holds all vehicular operators equally responsible for their actions.
All New Yorker should be treated equally.
There should be no "Free Rides".
this is good no ? the more money mayor take from the rich peoples with car the more free stuff the mayor going to give.
fonso said...
this is good no ? the more money mayor take from the rich peoples with car the more free stuff the mayor going to give.
Troll? Idiot? Not sure which. Do you really think only rich people have cars?
Just curious. Why does the FIRE Department provide AMBULANCE service?
EMTs are a civilian branch of the FDNY, just like the NYPD has civilian departments like towing, pound workers, PAAs, etc.. Just think, if they weren't lumped together, there would have to be a whole other bureaucracy for them.
georgetheatheist said...
Just curious. Why does the FIRE Department provide AMBULANCE service?
Because Rudy Giuliani merged the NYFD and EMS.
The Cash for Crash plan is scheduled to start next summer. The city expects it will generate about $1 million a year in revenue.
Really? How is further taxing the victims of a vehicular accident going to solve the budget crisis when the revenue is only expected to raise $1 million/year? Impeach Bloomturd now before it's too late!
Furthermore, isn't it rather morbid for the city to be licking its chops over revenue generated out of human suffering?
Furthermore, isn't it rather morbid for the city to be licking its chops over revenue generated out of human suffering?
Correct! That description fits Bloomtard's MO to a tee!
Next we'll be paying for garbage pickup, snow removal, and other basic services. Maybe a tax to maintain all those streetlights? Want to walk in a city park? Better have your paid park permit. And the prices listed are just the starter fees. You can be sure those prices will increase in no time.
True that!
NYPD response fee $300
FDNY response fee $400
NYDOB response fee $500
Bloomberg impeachment Priceless
New York is a No Fault State, if the Fire Department and or the Police Department now begin to assign Fault and charge for it, than won't it override a State Law?
Alfredo Centola
Next we'll be paying for garbage pickup, snow removal, and other basic services. Maybe a tax to maintain all those streetlights? Want to walk in a city park? Better have your paid park permit. And the prices listed are just the starter fees. You can be sure those prices will increase in no time.
I thought we did and they were called taxes, kind of like paying for water and sewer use. The Greeks and Romans provided these basic sanitary items yet in New York we pay for it? Is this not what one would call double dipping?
Alfredo Centola
Next we'll be paying for garbage pickup, snow removal, and other basic services. Maybe a tax to maintain all those streetlights? Want to walk in a city park? Better have your paid park permit. And the prices listed are just the starter fees. You can be sure those prices will increase in no time.
I thought we did and they were called taxes, kind of like paying for water and sewer use. The Greeks and Romans provided these basic sanitary items yet in New York we pay for it? Is this not what one would call double dipping?
Alfredo Centola
This is a complete outrage, and yet I am not surprised. Mayor Bloomberg has no limit when it comes to ticketing people for trying to make a living (or having the misfortune of having an accident) in NYC. Unless we can prove that Mayor Bloomberg committed a crime, we can't impeach him. What we need to do is find a trusted public interest lawyer, who can help us draw up a recall petition, so we can recall him.
This little asshole needs to go = Yesterday. He just wants the middle class to move out of NYC and only wants the very rich and the illegals around. This way, he can control all the illegals and will have a surplus of servants, busboys and nannies (all illegal of course) to serve his rich friends. In other words - a cheap labor pool.
Just what are we paying taxes for? I though we already paid for police, fire and sanitation. Why do we have to pay twice?
We used to get our water free (a necessity) but since the little emperor has been in power, we have to pay for that. How much money does he feel the middle class needs to pay? Can someone remind him we are in a recession? He has no clue what it's like to raise a family in NYC.
Next time you see you local elected offical, why don't you ask him about this - after all those pricks supported this bum.
Better yet, ask them why you have to foot the bill for something like this while the real estate industry sucks up all our taxes.
How much money does he feel the middle class needs to pay?
As much as it takes to get middle class OUT of the city
I am now convinced Bloomberg wants to use Queens as a cheap labor pool of people he can control and run like a corperation.
Like said: servants, busboys and nannies (yep most illegal) One big Jackson Heights to serve his tower people for cheap.
Also:Bloomberg will come for your unused room or basement soon its just a matter of time
If they want us to pay separately for all services provided,it should be reflected by reducing our taxes.
If they want us to pay separately for the services we use, it should be reflected by a corresponding reduction in our taxes. I pay a lot of taxes for services I don't use. Maybe we can get something back.
The City's desperate and going bankrupt, Too many illegals sucking up services and putting nothing back in.
Its already happened in California
Sales of dog leashes are going to skyrocket now that madoff's wimpy loser son killed himself.
lets hope more rich low lives copy cat his suicide. everybody nods in agreement.
Ladies and germs, you voted for him and here he is, good ol' mikey bloomberg.
I highly doubt everyone that's complaining about him now didn't vote for him for his third term and was ecstatic while doing it.
The folks in iowa will likely vote for him too...as long as he doesn't play the 911 card like giuliani did.
Why dosen't the Mayor NOT GIVE $ 10 million & Councilman Recchia NOT GIVE $ 2 million to BP Marty Markowitz's Monument $ 70 million , Amphitheater in Brighton Beach's Asser Levy/ Seaside Park.
A music venue over the people's safety.
Thses are the politicians priorities.
Just Plain Wrong.
So let me get this straight; you get t boned by an asshole DWI, sent to the hospital unconscious and in ten pieces, requires additional reconstructive surgeries, out of work for six months & the city charges you hundreds of dollars ?
What a disgrace this mayor is.
So let me get this straight; you get t boned by an asshole DWI, sent to the hospital unconscious and in ten pieces, requires additional reconstructive surgeries, out of work for six months & the city charges you hundreds of dollars ?
What a disgrace this mayor is.
Precisely!!! We all exist at the mayor's pleasure. He thinks we're peons. I just want to pee on him while he's singing "Urine the Money"!!!!!
Precisely!!! We all exist at the mayor's pleasure. He thinks we're peons. I just want to pee on him while he's singing "Urine the Money"!!!!!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Very funny!
We need a recall. Remember how Ahnold got elected in CA??? RECALL. All the morons that voted for Bloomie because he could afford more ads will have a second chance. At the very least, it'll generate revenue for the city. Aren't all those TV ad purchases taxable?
I don't know what you expected. Vote for a billionaire to represent joe average??? HELLO????
I had to take an ambulance to the hospital. I was having a massive freakin heart attack. You know what the bill was??? Almost 900 freakin' dollars. You know maybe I should've waited for the Q54 bus which runs once an hour at about that time. Or called for a suicide bomber driven livery cab.
In France, they'd shut the city down, and hang these a-holes from the nearest lamp post. Here, we sit down with a brew and watch more fox news.
One more thing. Both Bloomie and Bill Thompson need to be arrested for rigging the election. Thompson sat on his hands because Bloomie bought Mrs Thompson off with a multi million dollar gift to her pet project.
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