How often do you meet people within the real estate industry, whether it be a developer, a lobbying group or a broker?
They're not contacting me on a regular basis, or asking me for anything...
The Council is a democratic party, a transparent body. We have a responsibility to make sure that anybody who comes before the Council has an opportunity to air all of the aspects of a project so that at the end of the day the residents can know exactly the pros and cons and why we came to the decisions we've made after hearing those pros and cons.
I could say something, but I won't.
Its funny.
Up until Queens Crap not a single media outlet in the "media capital of the world" would ever say anything is amisss in his statement.
Every time I see him and his ilk I have an uncontrolable desire to say:
I would like to have 200 first class stamps and ship this please, media rate, sir.
He listens to the "pros and cons"...think he means "PROfessional CON-men".
The Real Estate Board of New York, REBNY purports to have thousands of members. The handful of large real estate firms require all of their brokers and employees to purchase non voting "memberships" as a condition of employment/association. The radical views promoted by the organization in no way reflect the views of the thousands strong "membership" of this organization.
How many real estate transactions are as simple as buying and then using a property "as is"? Except for some 1- and 2- family homes, nearly all transactions are going to have some contact with city agencies and having friends on the City Council, Community Board, etc. is one way of getting your way in how you get to use your property or vacant land.
Whether its gets built or not depends upon the cooperation of men and women such as Leroy Comrie. They won't work for free and they have to recover their costs for getting elected and re-elected.
Leroy Comrie looks a like a walrus.
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