Four Paws Sake has taken him into rescue - Jake is in a lot of pain, as you will see in his photos - he was transferred immediately to Lefferts Animal Clinic and he is undergoing extensive care. Yesterday, Jake was given a 1 hour bath in warm water to help clean any residue, chemicals or whatever may be laying on Jake's coat.
Specialists at Lefferts Animal Clinic believe that Jake may have been burned with a harsh chemical - as his skin is peeling from his little 10lb body. Jake is on antibiotics to help fight infection, ivermectin for the mange, and a topical ointment is applied to his skin; in addition poor Jake is on pain killers.
I spent sometime with him tonite, I wanted so badly to hug him tight and pet him, but he shivered in pain. I whispered to him tonite, and promised him he will be ok, and made my oath to little Jake, that once he is on his way to recovery, and healed up, that I will find him the perfect forever home, free from pain, and smothered with nothing but kisses and a soft touch.
Jake will be spending at least 2 weeks at the vet and then he will be moved to a foster home where he will be allowed to heal and recuperate.
Please keep Jake in your prayers as the next few days he will need all the support he can get.
Your friend in Rescue,
Four Paws Sake, NYC
may the piece of crap that did this rot in hell
I will never understand the cruelty of humans:(
Jake is in my prayers:) I hope he does get a forever home:) I have 2 dogs and 2 cats all my babies are rescues:) I would kill a BITCH over my critters!!! We Love You Jake:)
Will be praying for Jake and speedy recovery. Karma is a btch, who ever did this to him will twice as much pain. I really wish I knew who did this to him.
I'm with you Anonymous:( Karma is a bitch:) JUst last week 2 teens in Long Island were arrested for torturing and killing a turtle:(
They have to be a sorry ass pathetic piece of shit to hurt something so defenseless:( Future Friggin Serial Killers!!!
Whomever did this horrific thing MAY escape Man's justice but he will NEVER be able to hide from DIVINE justice. This person will get his - sooner or later.
Oh Jake, some people only have hate and evil in them. I hate how humans abused animals.
Looks like this will cost $$$$. Can i send a money order and who should it be made out to?
Q-C Whatever other differences we have, your concern for animals shows a good heart.
I am the person who adopted Jake and he is doing great. He is a loving and happy dog and no one will ever hurt him again I adore him
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