You're not gonna believe the attached document mailed out by Friends of Kevin Kim: the Pastor of Sacred Heart RC Church in Bayside warning his flock about the pagan. And I scanned the outside, too, where it says who's responsible for the mailing. This one is a new low."
- anonymous
Well, anonymous, not only is it a new low, but making it appear that the church mailed these out to voters could have serious consequences for both the church and the candidate. It puts the church's 501c3 in jeopardy and opens up the possibility that Kim could be prosecuted for mail fraud. Federal postal rules prohibit printing an address other than your own on a piece of mail bearing your prepaid postage stamp.
Can't make this stuff up, folks. And yes, the church did print this in their Sunday bulletin. Which begs the question how the Kim campaign got it in enough time to mail it so that it hit before election day.
Nussbaum, Ackerman & Co. might soon be following Kim off the cliff!
Hope you're following all this.
Yummy...so many juicy investigations to open up before breakfast!
The good father should be ashamed of himself. And Kim should be prosecuted. he won't be, and the consequences of this will go the way of all things in queens, down the crapper.
I find it absolutely revolting that while promoting religious diversity, those hypocrites attack Halloran's religion.
Queens Crap, You are on fire!
I wonder if Ruffles and the crew at the Trib approve of this.
If Halloran wins, nothing will happen; if Kim wins, nothing will happen. The Feds don't care about this kind of stuff. They only care if you're stealing money like McLaguhlin or Seminero or Bruno. Repeat after me, there will be no federal action. And of course, no state action either. NO ONE cares!
Doesn't matter. No one will prosecute Kim. If anything, the Catholic Church will get into trouble. Look at all the corrupt politicians in this city and yet no FBI investigation. I'm telling you, something is not right. Why hasn't there been a Federal Investigation?
"If Halloran wins, nothing will happen; if Kim wins, nothing will happen. The Feds don't care about this kind of stuff. They only care if you're stealing money like McLaguhlin or Seminero or Bruno. Repeat after me, there will be no federal action. And of course, no state action either. NO ONE cares!"
Evan (or troll)...IN YOUR DREAMS!
He who laughs last...LAUGHS BEST!
Is Sacred Heart even allowed to do this? Aren't they supposed to stay out of politics?
I've never seen this before.
If the church printed it in their bulletin, it can be reprinted by anyone, it would seem. I got a robocall from the Bishop of Bklyn touting a Repub candidate. I voted for the Dem because of the call.
I just called the Church (718 428 2200) and the lady who answered said that they have been getting calls about this since yesterday. She emphatically told me that Father Brosnan did not and does not endorse what the Kevin Kim campaign did in using an internal church missive in their campaign literature. She seemed quite upset about this.
Yes, the issue is not that it was reprinted, the issue is that it looks like it was mailed from the church when it wasn't.
The "Reverend" Brosnan: "There is no doubt that the Republican candidate for the City Council in District 19 despises the faith of the Catholic Church."
I can't wait reading Brosnan's opinion when an Orthodox Jew, or a Wahabi Moslem, or a Pentecostal runs for office.
The Catholic Church is not allowed to endorse political candidates. They can print information telling parishoners their views on certain topics and what the church stands for, but they cannot endorse anyone. If they do, they can lose their tax exempt status. Therefore, the Kim campaign sent this info out under the guise of this church, figuring the parishoners would vote for him. What Kim did was illegal. Any law enforcement out there listening?
Yes THEY ARE supposed to stay out of politics "Italian girl".
But it's Kim, Nussbaum and associates that could be in worse hot water.
The postal inspectors might be knocking at their doors soon.
Not to mention the Federal Trade Commission which regulates advertising...if this particular case falls under their purview.
It's only begun.
On the heels of Alan Gross' letter to the House Ethics Committee to look into Ackerman...this WILL be looked into and maybe even open up a national can of worms when it's finally over.
I'll bet Homeland Security would be mighty interested in some of "Multi Media's" clients....eh Mike?
Ya'd better lawyer up quick you pack of bozos!
Have a nice day "Ruffles"....you too Evan.
I'm off to vote.
Your post is blatantly deceptive. As a tax attorney who volunteers on the boards of some 501c3's, I can tell you that the letter does not jeopardize the church's 501c3 status as it does not urge anyone to vote/not vote for one candidate over another. It merely raises issues about a candidates religion, with is well within the reverend's first amendment rights. The mailer identifies itself as coming from the Friends of Kevin Kim. there will be no federal action because none is warranted. Like the Queens Tribune, Queens Crap is trying to incite its readers hate and prejudice. You should really examine your own tactics before calling anyone else, or their campaigns, racist.
Yes, my post is deceptive, not the mailer with the return address of the church.
Better brush up on postal law.
I realize the point of this post is that Kim CLEARLY committed mail fraud, but the priest's comments upset me just was much as Kim's actions.
Father Bronson, herei s news flash -- Halloran was married in the Catholic Church AFTER his conversion to paganism!!!! WHY -- if his beliefs were so offensive -- did "you" --aka the Church-- allow him to marry in a Catholic church? Please explain.
Just ripped down about 25-30 Kevin Kim posters on Francis Lewis Blvd and up and down 26th Avenue. I also remember each and every lamppost and Stop sign they were stapled to. Hmmmmm. Should I report them?
To the Kim people: Shame on you! Didn't see any Halloran posters except at the polling site. Desperate much?
"Just ripped down about 25-30 Kevin Kim posters on Francis Lewis Blvd and up and down 26th Avenue. I also remember each and every lamppost and Stop sign they were stapled to. Hmmmmm. Should I report them?"
You should have left them there and taken photos. Then you submit the photos to the Dept. Of Sanitation so that the Kim campaign could be fined for EACH ONE!
If Halloran wins, nothing will happen; if Kim wins, nothing will happen. The Feds don't care about this kind of stuff. They only care if you're stealing money like McLaguhlin or Seminero or Bruno. Repeat after me, there will be no federal action. And of course, no state action either. NO ONE cares!
correct on this. the queens county organization is behind this, but no one cares. all the news on election day is jersy and long island.
lots of juicy local stuff and no one is covering it.
that is why people are turning away from news (TV and printed) and turning to blogs.
well some are concerned about swine flu and their pets and still will watch TV.
Following George's lead, I also called the church to express my revulsion at this mailing. The woman answering the phone told me that she has received many calls and that people in this community are angry! I told her that this is not the only offense regarding religious issues initiated by the Kim campaign. I then said that I am so offended by this attack on religious freedom and democracy that I requested a Congressional investigation.
At this point I was transfered directly to Father Brosnan. I expressed the same concerns to him and asked for an explanation. He told me that those were his words and that they were out there publicly in writing and on his blog.
I did not call to debate the issue of paganism with him but I asked him how he can allow his church to be used for a political purpose. He said that he did not give permission for the Kim campaign to use the church's return address. However, when I pressed him for a course of action that he will take to correct this affront, he could not offer a reply other than to say that he will make a decision in a few days??!!!?
Well, I'm pissed even more now! Therefore, while all of you talk the talk, I have contacted the U.S. Post Office and will be requesting an investigation about the mailing. I have also accidentally uncovered another anomaly that will be included in the inquiry. My gut tells me that all roads lead to Ackerman and Multi-Media.
Perhaps Father Brosnan should have taken a gander at these first:
Now his goose is cooked!!!
screw halloran and kim, alan gross for councilmember!!!!!!!!
"In an unusually overt step into politics by a religious leader, the Roman Catholic bishop of Brooklyn is urging voters, via robocalls, to support Vito J. Lopez, an assemblyman and the Brooklyn Democratic boss, whose hand-picked candidate is in a tough race for a City Council seat.
The bishop, Nicholas A. DiMarzio, in a recorded phone call sent to every registered voter in City Council District 34, praised Mr. Lopez’s legislative service to the Catholic Church this summer. Mr. Lopez played a key role in defeating a bill that would have let adults file suit over childhood sexual abuse that may have occurred long ago."
If Father Brosnan really wanted to help his parishioners make an informed decision, he could have hosted an open forum and invited both Halloran and Kim to address the issues. By attacking one candidate, he was de facto endorsing the other.
alan gross for councilmember!!!!!!!!
Thanks but no thanks. It would never work. I can't be tweeded. Actually, with Dan Halloran, you'll have a fine and dedicated representative in the city council more in line with the advocacy demonstrated by Tony Avella. Kevin Kim has already shown us his ability to be divisive.
"Now his goose is cooked!!!"
Really? Who cooked the geese of those holy men, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Evan (or troll)...IN YOUR DREAMS!
He who laughs last...LAUGHS BEST!
No, I'm not Evan or a "troll". I'm a very angry Republican, who doesn't live in Halloran's district or I'd be voting for him. Why is it when someone gives you"federal investigation" types the bad news they get personally attacked? Let me be clear, I WISH someone would do something, but I KNOW they won't. OK now?
"Why is it when someone gives you"federal investigation" types the bad news they get personally attacked?"
At least I have the cajones to be proactive rather than insult people on a blog AND I have the cajones to identify myself as well. What bad news are you talking about? I plan to pursue my concerns well after the election dust has settled. Unlike the attitude that you seem to espouse, I am not giving up until I am satisfied that my concerns have been looked into. What have you done to make a bad situation better? I have patience, tenacity, and diligence. Your insulting remark about "federal investigation types" puts you into the category of TROLL. Unlike many people who contribute comments to this and other blogs, I research and post links to credible and relevant information that backs up the work that I have been doing. If you wish to dismiss my efforts than fine. Just do not infect us with your negativity and bad will.
And I want to add one more thought. The reason that things are so rotten in Queens is that no one (at least until now) has actually challenged these ne'er-do-well elected officials who think that they own us. They have another thing coming. We must collectively work together to shine a light into the dark corners where they do their dirty work. I guarantee you that there are others out there doing what they can do to wake people up and take back our government. We need to get back to the principles that made this country great in the first place.
So you're a tax attorney and I'm George Washington.
F--k off and eat the cheese!
You can be whatever you want on a blog!
I voted for Kim over Halloran. If Halloran ran as a Democrat, I would have voted for him. I am just sick and tired of these rich Republicans and how they are jacking up unemployment and work hours, and pushing down on wages. Even the Democratic Party is being taken over by Soros types.
I don't my vote bodes well for Dan because I remember when he was a young kid going to St. Andrew's. Also, I don't dislike him, or care he went to some pagan thing or whatever that was. I actually like what he is saying about developers (although I understand he has taken developer money too).
As far as the keep our neighborhood the same stuff...sorry, that ship has sailed. The neighborhood has already changed, virtually every store on Northern Boulevard is Chinese or Korean. And personally, I hate the conservative Catholic Archie Bunker pro-Iraq war mentality/community/whatever that existed in Flushing in the 1970s and 1980s. The anti-Vatican II psychos that followed Veronica Leuken around in the 1970s. What have the rich people who run the Republican Party ever done for me except keep me down? Why should I be against the blacks, the Latinos, the Asians, not to mention the Iraqis, the Vietnamese, the Cubans, the Russians, whoever?
Halloran is a nice guy, he just ran under the wrong party. I am one white ethnic lapsed Catholic living in the neighborhood ready to bury the conservative ethnic Catholic legacy of this neighborhood with a shovel. Add together people like me, plus all the Asians coming in, and even if Halloran wins, sooner or later these conservative Catholic strongholds are going to fold.
In a way it is a shame, and I do miss aspects of the community, but there's too much rottenness, especially these rich Republicans and businessmen who benefit from all this conservatism. I'd rather see all of it buried under Koreans building three family houses than help these rich Republicans who run the GOP in any way.
So Halloran is rich? I bet that comes as a shock to him.
He's also against the blacks, the Latinos, the Asians, not to mention the Iraqis, the Vietnamese, the Cubans, the Russians, whoever!
after reading the post and comments ,i am still not clear as to what actually took place between Fr.Brosnan and the k.kim dem.campaign.
i can say that this tactic is right out of the Saul Alinsky
"rules for radicals" he was the founder of the modern
he began his radical teaching in the late 60's.some of his fellow travelers were Fr's dan and phil berrigan.
Msgr. geno baroni,appointed to H.U.D.,by president j.carter ,in 1977.he is credited with pushing the COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT, bill into law.
Fr.DAN BERRIGAN spoke at SACRED HEART PARISH a few months ago.what did he tell his audience? who has the transcript?was it published in the newsletter?
the berrigan brothers spent many years in federal prison,for their radical action.see wikipedia. also read,"DISARMED AND DANGEROUS radical lives & times of phil and dan berrigan ",by polner & o'grady
the berrigans started their community activism out of the basement of St.GREGORY THE GREAT, on 90th street/columbus ave.n.y.c. my boyhood church!!!!!'
"As far as the keep our neighborhood the same stuff...sorry, that ship has sailed. The neighborhood has already changed, virtually every store on Northern Boulevard is Chinese or Korean. And personally, I hate the conservative Catholic Archie Bunker pro-Iraq war mentality/community/whatever that existed in Flushing in the 1970s and 1980s."
Put the crack pipe down. I lived in Queens in the 1970s and 1980s and there was NONE of the bigotry you speak of. It's far more bigoted and balkanized now.
"As far as the keep our neighborhood the same stuff...sorry, that ship has sailed. The neighborhood has already changed, virtually every store on Northern Boulevard is Chinese or Korean. And personally, I hate the conservative Catholic Archie Bunker pro-Iraq war mentality/community/whatever that existed in Flushing in the 1970s and 1980s."
And that's why Queens is in the sorry shape it's in now. I lived in Queens in the 1970s and 1980s and it was far less bigoted back then. With all the so-called multiculturism and diversity, Queens is far more balkanized and bigoted now. Thank G-d Dan Halloran is there to start to repair 20-30 years of damage that the multi-cultis have wrought on us.
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