There has been little visible progress on the Forest Park greenhouses - nearly one year - since the glass has been removed. This seems to be quite normal for the Parks Department under Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe and Mayor Michael Bloomberg. See photos below taken July 16th, 2009. One would think a building over one hundred years old would treated with more care.
Here would have been a good use for the $5000.00 earlier given away to the crackpot. $5000.00 buys a lot of glass.
If this greenhouse were in Central or Prospect Park, the Times would have taken note.
But their reporters are probably too busy writing another babbling fluff piece about our borough's diversity.
Thats nothing !
Have a look at the rotting Bandshell benches, leaves, over flowing trash cans with litter compleatly covering the old "lovers lane" road by the West gate
This was Summer/Fall 08 stuff still on the ground in Febuary 09
What's with all the dead bodies being dumped near the Yellow Trail? Besides which it's a homosexual hang-out. All those pafoofniks in the woods gives me the creeps.
Fix 'em up.
I can grow some nice "hydro" in there!
Enough to take those bored Forest Hills nympho-wives-left-alone-at-home-with-nothing-to-do away from their usual doses of crystal-meth.
You don't even need the greenhouse. A few seeds tossed into an empty lot could do it.
Sad to say, there's tons of money available for a police state to look under every rock for your Ganja, but none for fixing urban decay.
nothing's being done no one's going to work on it. each contractor pulls out of the job because they'd have to build on top of a crumbling 100 year old footprint. 2 houses are still up and the glasses are either missing or broken.
Or you whiney Yankees could get off your asses and fix this beautiful structure up instead of just complain about it and wait for your precious government to give you incentive.
The government owns it, Brainiac.
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