The penultimate stage in the long−fought battle over how to preserve the historic homes of Sunnyside Gardens will take place later this month. The city Planning Commission is set to vote on a text amendment for the special zoning district April 22.
Should the commission approve the amendment, it would go to the City Council for a final vote in August, city Planner Amanda Ikert told Community Board 2 last week.
The Planning Commission intends to use the amendment to transfer all enforcement of all building restrictions to the city Landmarks Preservation Commission, which landmarked Sunnyside Gardens in 2007. The area has also been designated as a special zoning district since 1974.
You have to be a real asshole to move into Sunnyside gardens and pile crap on top of it. Bigger asshole then most.
LPC reluctantly granted Sunnyside Gardens landmark status...after their arms and legs were twisted out of their sockets.
Aside from the beautiful mature trees
the buildings themselves represent little more than ugly cramped workers' row housing in their eyes.
Do you think that LPC is really going to apply the same level of enforcement
of the landmark law as they do in Douglas Manor?
No way Jose!
So what's the point in being a historic district on the wrong side of the borough?
Will HDC, QHS, MAS etc. protest this?
Will HDC, QHS, MAS etc. protest this?
Careful, they will send their raving thugs to attack you. Just be a nice person and send in that check to them everytime they send you a note reminding you how much they do for your borough and your neighborhood.
So what's the point in being a historic district on the wrong side of the borough?
Because its yet another example that throws the current system into disrepute.
Only after enough evidence builds can it be changed.
Why are so many renovations a poke in the eye? Does Helen Keller have an architects degree?
I don't see any "raving thugs" from HDC, MAS, QHS or any other group
attacking me for my comment.
I'm capable of defending myself if they should consider it.
Where are the politicans on this?
Oh, I know, worring about hunger, bank branches in housing projects, and roofing over the Sunnyside Railyards.
Funny how there is no Pratt study on this.
I guess you get blind to real problems if a former city planner is at the controls.
Thank God they don't drive or fly large objects.
Wasn't there someone who was posting here claiming that the alterations in Sunnyside Gardens were minor and they weren't endangered? This photo suggests otherwise.
I remember how the pols came into the Garden, spreading disputes, misinformation, and 'sitting on the face.' Scars from their antics still divide our community.
Nice work assholes.
Now here is the neat thing:
Beacause a biggie from HDC lives here, that august body actually wrote a letter to the editor at a local paper condeming such antics, as well as the typical hackeyed coverage by the machine mouthpieces in the local press.
Gasp! Nice work. It took you long enough after repeatedly denying this was a problem.
In typical fashion for the preservation community, neighborhood landmarked, issue over, topic has disappeared.
Everyone can go home back to fighting their unequal struggle against their local community board, local elected officials, and local press.
(I am looking at a solicitation for a contribution to them, and would like to either make one if they get real and focus on issues that are important to our community -- or toss it in File 13.
Let me toss it now, and see what they do over the coming year -- until they remember me again with another solicitation next year.)
Do you think it is possible for someone making such alterations to match the color and material of the alteration to what is already there.
Where they pick these people? Can they dress themselves? I want to hide outside and see what colors they wear to the office.
Ever look at who has profited the most from the Landmarking of Sunnyside Gardens?
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