In a precursor to her City Council run, Karen Koslowitz switched offices from Deputy Borough President to Director of Community Boards.
The move clears any conflict Koslowitz would have faced during her run for Forest Hills’ 29th District Council seat, according to a decision from the City’s Conflicts of Interest Board.
She’ll also take a sizable pay-cut of $10,000 to $146,000.
According to spokesman Dan Andrews, the Borough President will not fill Koslowitz’s former position.
Wow, sounds like she was a very important staffer. Actually, she was already in charge of the community boards. And made a killing for a do-nothing job, too. A dyed-in-the-wool Queens Machine tweeder.
Some pay cut. Only making $146,000.
A lot of people in this city would love to make this kind of salary. We should make this jobs part time and no pay,we would get more dedicated people in these positions. Their staffs are probably overpaid too.
A do nothing-- lazy, phony, windbag. Forest Hills DOES NOT NEED HER!!!!!! Go away you leach!
She took a pay cut of $10,000 from $156,000 down to $146,000, so that she would be eligible for a job that pays $112,000.
Now, doesn't that make her a saint?
Or, perhaps, she has other sources of income that she prefers to keep secret?
Secret income that would even increase in the part-time job of City Council member - if she votes the right way?
Oh, well! Perhaps she's no saint, after all.
taxpayer, she doesn't need any other income - she's been on the gov't tit for so long she must have $$$ in her TDSP or 401K. her paycheck now is just icing on the cake. and if she loses, she'll retire, collect her pension and then get hired back "part-time."
if she doesn't die from luncg cancer first. does anyone know if she still uses a sald bowl for an ashtray?
Topical 2nd stringer running 3rd rate programs. This borough is a plantaition where we are controlled by our masters in the clubhouse who extact everthing they can from the soil (development) and our backs (taxes) not for us, but for their own interests.
Our homes, our families, much of our lives are playthings to be sold to the highest bidder.
Nice, stark, chilling images Missing.
Please have some compassion. Do you know how much #5 red dye cost?
Do you realize how much dye will
stay on the shelf when she gets
$10,000 less? Koslowitz is the old
machine that doesn't know how to
retire gracefully. She was blessed
with do nothing jobs and should fade into the sunset. But not Koslowitz! God forbid she should let someone else come in and really make a change. Koslowitz should retire, let her natural color come back before she passes on so in the future they don't have to do an environmental cleanup where she gets buried. Karen, the coctail party is over.
Karen is certainly the best for the Council position. She really cares, and actually works full time. She goes to every meeting. Look at what she's up against, certainly better than Ms. Chain! (God forbid!)
Karen is certainly the best for the Council position.
BECAUSE .... WELL ....
She really cares, and actually works full time.
She goes to every meeting.
Koslowitz is useless. I'll bet that the person who wrote nice words about her either a) Is acknowledged by Koslowitz at whatever meetings she shows up at. b) got a comp for a free coctail party c) received an award or proclomation by her. Koslowitz knows all the tricks. Time for
Big Red to Retire. She has no
accomplishments. She is a Pimple
on Helen Marshals rump. Oy! Give us Michael Cohen.
Oh please! Mike is a great guy, but I have my money on Karen anyday, because Mike is a bore and will put us all to sleep! She was there everyday with the residents with Runway 69, and was great with consumer affairs.
She was there everyday with the residents with Runway 69, and was great with consumer affairs.
How many years was this woman in public life? This is her accomplishment?
What about quality of life issues - development, schools, DOB, etc etc etc
It's time to deconstruct the clubhouse starting with the three grannies: Helen Marshall, Claire Shulman and Karen Koslowitz. I'm sure if the 3 of them disappeared tomorrow, no one would notice until 2013. They are useless and accomplish nothing and are a big waste of tax dollars. Time to scrub out all the waste and inefficiency in our government. The money could be put to better use. How old are these ladies? Time to give some young person a chance. New people = New ideas.
Are you an ageist?
Are you an ageist?
You can be old in years and new and creative in ideas.
These people have not had a fresh idea since Eisenhower was in the White House.
So why should we be saddled with them in public life? Take a look around you in Queens. What do you see?
Decay. Torpor. Something as exciting as watching paint dry on the wall.
(no, no matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, an immigrant slum is not vibrant and diverse and exciting. Its an immigrant slum.
Just ask the immigrants that live there.)
Koslowitz, you had your chance, now step aside graciously. Cohen, you too. How about a fresh, new face? Let's Go Mel!
Don't you love NYC? The real election is in September.
All the old folks she bs'd for years are dead.............beat it! P.S This is the same do-nothing job that a certain forest hills councilperson once held.....
Mike was there protesting Runway 69 also! Nice to see Mel cares about the community only after he declares for the race. Does Mel have any community ties?
It's Mike or Heidi in 2009!
Mel was not born in Forest Hills, so what? In a city of immigrants, you don't need a native-born pedigree.
Runway 69? Is that Koslowitzs'
waste size? A woman that looks like Lucille ball on steriods should be against a strip club. She
is uuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssslllllleeessssssss! To recall something from 15 years ago tells it all.
She serves no purpose accept clean up at coctail partys. She is a clown that Ringling Brothers refused. Her, Katz & Marshal is the three ring circus.
She's a big red windbag!
Useless and a liar! Never returns calls . emails, or letters. Queens Borough Hall should be emptied of all these useless squirrels and their nuts.
Sergey Kadinsky said...
Mel was not born in Forest Hills, so what? In a city of immigrants, you don't need a native-born pedigree.
What? Doesn't that person represent the district and needs to understand the communities heritage and traditions? Or does he need no roots so he can let the developers run rampant?!?
Sergey Kadinsky said...
Mel was not born in Forest Hills, so what? In a city of immigrants, you don't need a native-born pedigree.
What? He's done nothing, I mean nothing until he declared, now he shows up and bitches about how nobody cares for the citizens. There are hundreds of people who do great work for others in Forest Hills and don't run for office. And Mel is not one fo those hundreds of people. He has a track record like Maria Baez.
Oy Vey! What do the rabbis have to say about the election?
First she has to prove she can link 5 words together and make a sentece.
The only thing she should run for is the Q60 Bus!
Considering what this blog is about, its Lynn Schulman [no relation to Claire] who should garner some support. Lynn fought the developers on Austin Street and was a proponant of the Cord-Mayer rezoning to place some reasonable limits on the McMansions. She is working now with folks in Kew Gardens to get landmark status for a neighborhood there and hopes to be able to work to preserve the character of all our neighborhoods in the District. Karen and Michael are members of the same party Machine that gave us Hiram Monserrate and are in bed with the developers.
Anyone else notice that Karen Koslowitz is now apparently the candidate of the Independence party - as if she's not the hand picked candidate of the Queens County Machine. C'mon. I have now gotten three peices of literature - including two in the mail - on her behalf from the New York Independence Party claiming she is an independent. The mailings suggest that the Independence Party is paying for all of this. Those mailings cost thousands of dollars and if the Independence Party paid for those as it appears on the cards, it surely exceeded the contribution limits by alot.
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