Are they serious?! An enclosed transfer from the E-G-V to the 7?! How on earth did this happen?! Elevators AND Escalators? What is this, the 21st century or something?! Surely, they must be joking! Really, this all seems to good to be true.
Call me a pessimist (I prefer the term "realist", thank you); but I'm saying there is no way they will make their February 2010 projected date because the MTA will tell us all of the following 1) things are taking longer than they expected 2) this project costs more than they expected 3) the MTA is broke and need more money (Guess who they turn to first? Yep, their ridership! More fare hikes!)
Announcement regarding the Court Square subway transfer
I was flabbergasted at this. Those of you who haven't done the EFG-7 transfer ... you're outside for about 30 SECONDS.
There are steps, sure. That's what keeps the extra pounds off when you get to be, er, ah, fif... ah, old enough to remember the World's Fair.
The stairs between the 7 train and the E/G/V entrance on 45th Rd have already been torn down (as noted by Bitchcakes). Let's see what happens next, and how long it takes...
This station is one of the lesser used stations in the system. Please upgrade and bring the Continental-71 Av station hub instead. 10's of thousands utilize this decrepit station.It has not been renovated in all of its 75 years of existance!
At Continental-71 Av, you can switch from the express to the local. At this station, you can switch between 3 train lines all going in different directions. This take priority.
It baffles me how the MTA focuses on major projects like the Fulton transit hub, the Second Av. subway, the 7 extension, or the transfer to the 7, yet very little is done to maintain the existing subway stations. (Seems like most of these projects are grinding to a halt these days!)
Simple maintenace like cleaning up the floors and wall tiles and fixing leaks and peeling paint is all that's needed to make the subway stations more appealing.
71-Forest Hills looks nice in comparison to most stations in downtown esp. those on the J/Z line.
But there is no elevator, making this station inaccessible to the handicapped.
This is a way for the MTA to justify making Court Sq. the permanent terminal for the G train. Now they can tell disgruntled riders, "What are you complaining about? You can get to the 7 and the E,V without going outside. Isn't your life wonderful now?"
I wonder if the land owners and developers pushed for this in their never ending quest to make LIC a bland suburb of midtown?
A few stairs never hurt anyone. I can see an elevator for those wheelchair bound, but come on... I wonder how much they'll spend in project cost overruns and then electricity to power these escalators for decades to come...
ok listen first of all theres been lots of developments in this area so there is a NEED to put something like this to the table because sooner or later this place will surely be populated & this is very small station if i must say
*I wonder if the land owners and developers pushed for this in their never ending quest to make LIC a bland suburb of midtown?
Thats funny.Well put.But do you have to pay again from the 7 to the other lines?I didnt think you could transfer now.
It can be done! Anyone got a ton of duct tape and broken beer bottle glass?
Perhaps MTA can McGyver some contraption wear pure hard human labor moves the escalator. We can hire people for that! Perhaps some of these laid off MBA people will be willing to lay the brute force.
Once the transfer escalator is complete, it will still be a long underground walk between the 7 and the E.
Hopefully, the project includes eliminating the ugly metal windscreen, so that travelers can take in the city views from the station.
This is a Citicorp project. This is in exchange for the zoning variance that they received for their second building.
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