Monday, December 8, 2008

Let's go food shopping

Fresh Direct Ham and Brie Wrap

As advertised:

In reality:


Anonymous said...

That's one of the reasons I dumped this sleaze several years ago.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

same as any chain. all crappy all the time

Anonymous said...

alot of lettuce

Anonymous said...

At the low end-- for a laugh--compare any Taco Bell item to the menu pictorial of that item. Now, that's funny!

Anonymous said...

sandwiches and trucks making left turns?

this site is on life support/

georgetheatheist said...

When I want a dreck fix, I head to Arby's. Two for the price of one with the newspaper coupons.

Anonymous said...

This shows why going out to physically buy food is always better than clicking to obtain your meal.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is VERY good. Funny at first, and then...not so. I hope this is first in a series!

Kevin Walsh said...

well vegetables are good for you.

Anonymous said...

sandwiches and trucks making left turns?

this site is on life support/


You got that right.

We should join up with the rest of the media (NY & Queens) and talk about diversity, development, and clubhouse dingbats over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ...

Anonymous said...

I'm too lazy to go shopping. My food must be delivered to my door in a truck that will hopefully block traffic for a minimum of 90 seconds and spew exhaust fumes into my neighbors' windows all the while. Does that make me a locavore?

Pray tell, where can I too find such... direct... freshness?

Anonymous said...

Actually, their food is usually delicious and they are a welcome source of jobs for Queens.

I interviewed for a job with them, which I did not take for pay reasons, but I was so impressed by their cleanliness and quality that I became a customer as soon as they started Astoria Deliveries.

They are expensive, but good.

Anonymous said...

They hire illegals and got busted for it.

Anonymous said...

They are expensive, but good.

And you, sir, are a sucker.
When your legs atrophy from lack of use, just remember this day and your shameless plug.

Anonymous said...

Ham wrapped twice, poor ham!