Still unsettled, however, is forging agreements with dozens of still-balking private property owners without using the mandatory acquisition process known as eminent domain.
Deputy Mayor Robert Lieber said he has compacts with 60% of the owners...
All the other news outlets are saying the City has made deals with a handful of owners and will have control over a little more than 30% of the privately owned land which is a lot closer to the truth.
Crapper, all your biased propaganda has lessened your reputation even more. Did you see the editorial in the Daily News yesterday from one of the WP business owners? Did you see how he was pressured by other owners so they can try to soak the city (thus the taxpayers) out of a windfall for their property? Did you see his description of how disgusting the property is? This is what you are defending. Do you wonder why no one takes this blog seriously? For your own good, grow up and stop being such a biased lightweight.
it was all a combined effert do you remember when claire slipped and said hiram why are you fighting you told me you will vote yes. the fix was in the whole way hiram and liu are scum . the senate was hirams gift for a job well done
If no one takes this blog seriously, why does it get close to 5,000 hits a day? Why do major blogs and news outlets link to it? Better yet, why do you come here everyday and post comments all day long?
Forget about Crappy, what about the News? Is there anything Bloomberg does that they don't like? And it's true - why did they allow that big lie to go unchallenged?
biased propaganda = Daily News
I look at the blog because you do a good job of gathering lots of local news items. It is your opinions that are laughable. I post because I like to counter inane, biased and unintelligent comments with some smart, reasonable responses.
"A chronic and habitual... LIAR"!!!
(Charles Laughton's line
from the film
"Witness For The Prosecution").
That about sums up Lieber
(and the EDC as well).
Bloomberg's nose is growing longer too... just like Pinocchio's !
The Parkside Group's shoddily constructed propaganda appears regularly on this site as is evident in poster #1's comment.
Wattsa matter...
you scared of a little blog? !!!
Hiram is just a pig f----r
or a pig's f--k-ee !
The Queens KKK
(Krowley's Klubhouse Krooks) tailored his Senatorial spot for him.
That must have drained quite a sum from that legendary Stavisky
(and Liu) campaign war chest!
"I post because I like to counter inane, biased and unintelligent comments with some smart, reasonable responses."
If you didn't take the blog seriously, you wouldn't bother to waste your time.
I remember when Lauinger used to print the truth. I guess his editors didn't like that. Such a shame John, you coulda been a contender. Now you're just another hipster 'journalist' who regurgitates the 'facts' spewed by mayor Mike and your moronic bosses.
i take craper seriously theres a lotof good reporting the editorial in the daily news was maid up by edc to say that crap it al came from flushing towing who the edc paid him over and above what his land is worth so now the other bizz owners want it
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