Hey Crappy, remember last year when you wrote about that Comfort Inn on Maurice Avenue on Curbed and the commenters there said this was a great spot for a hotel despite the gritty location and posted glowing reviews of it? They obviously weren't talking from experience. Relatives of mine stayed there this past week. The attached video shows what woke them out of bed one morning - a hobo banging pieces of metal on a shopping cart. Mind you, this is through windows that are supposed to muffle the street sounds.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Un-comfort-able inn
Hey Crappy, remember last year when you wrote about that Comfort Inn on Maurice Avenue on Curbed and the commenters there said this was a great spot for a hotel despite the gritty location and posted glowing reviews of it? They obviously weren't talking from experience. Relatives of mine stayed there this past week. The attached video shows what woke them out of bed one morning - a hobo banging pieces of metal on a shopping cart. Mind you, this is through windows that are supposed to muffle the street sounds.
This location is THE worst place for a hotel/motel. I feel sorry for tourists who get scammed into staying there. It doesn't get more depressing than the Maspeth Comfort Inn.
Heyyyy, c'mon, great cemetery views!!!
All those problems seem to have to do with the quality of the customer service at the Comfort Inn. I fail to see the connection between those issues and the location of the hotel.
Please explain the connection of those issues if you could.
Let's see.
I doubt they have hobos banging scrap metal on shopping carts outside hotels on 5th Avenue.
I doubt tractor trailers are parked outside the windows, either. And in the hotels in the city that have parking lots, they generally are not in front of the entrance, blocking half the lot. Why? Because they are not in manufacturing zones. Only in the outer boroughs, folks.
Not to mention that public transportation in this area sucks ass.
All thos eissues still pertain to customer service.
Do you think that a properly run hotel would allow a tractor trailer to idle outside of their hotel or park in their lot?
This goes back to a bad management team at Comfort Inn. If you are really upset you would probably make the most progress by calling Comfort Inn's corporate offices.
The tractor trailer can legally idle on Maurice Avenue because it is in a manufacturing zone and the Comfort Inn can't do anything about it. As for in the parking lot, I suppose they could prohibit them, but then they would lose trucker business.
That HOBO, as you call him, is really a visionary artist doing a street performance piece. If anything, the Comfort Inn should hire him to perform in their grand ball room.
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