3-37 Grandview Avenue in Ridgewood was a large zoning lot subdivided into 3 tax lots. Then a permit was applied for to build two 3-story, 2-family houses via self-certification. But, they didn't build what they said they would build, and the site was shut down - twice!. Now Ridgewood is left to look at something resembling a crumbling haunted house. But not too many people have to stare at this as it's across the street from a cemetery.
This looks like it could've actually had some potential if there was any material used to face new Queens developments other than the ugliest, cheapest brick possible.
looks like wood framing. anyone got a match?
Tear it down and seize the property!
And then still penalize the owner and the builder.
Woops! That would require courage. It would make a developer mad at the Commissar and cut off the contributions.
brick is not cheap jason
I'm sure it isn't.
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