Thursday, May 8, 2008

Petition signatures challenged

Two candidates vying for the 30th District City Council had general objections raised to their petitions on Monday, May 5 - the last day to raise objections.

Anthony Gucciardo filed objections with the city Board of Elections to the petitions filed by Republicans Tom Ognibene and Joseph Suraci, while Dennis Metz also filed against Suraci.

Both Gucciardo and Metz have until Monday, May 12 to file their specific objections to the petitions.

Ognibene, who said he filed more than twice the number of petitions warranted by the Board of Elections, said he was not surprised or concerned about the objections and pointed the finger at one of his opponents, Republican Anthony Como, as the reason behind the challenge.

Ognibene, Como and Suraci as well as Democrats Elizabeth Crowley and Charles Ober all filed petitions with the board by Wednesday, April 30. No one has challenged the signatures of either Democrat running in the race, although Ober thought Crowley supporters would challenge his signatures.

Petitions challenged in Special Election

Meanwhile, on the Dem side:

Thumbing through several hundred pages of signatures filed by 30th CD Democratic candidate Elizabeth Crowley turned up some interesting names of people who witnessed her petitions - a number of whom don't live in the borough, but whose bids for new jobs could benefit greatly from the support of the Queens Democratic organization.

Non-Queens names include Councilman David Yassky (Brooklyn), '09 comptroller candidate, and Councilman Dan Garodnick (Manhattan), potential speaker contender.

Hailing from Queens, with political aspirations: Coucilman Eric Gioia, '09 public advocate candidate; and Dave Kerpen, '09 Council candidate (23rd CD).

Other Queens names of potential interest: Assemblyman Rory Lancman (running for re-election this fall), George Fontas (lobbyist/consultant and ex-aide to Councilman David Weprin), Sen. Toby Stavisky (also running for re-election this fall), former Stonewall Democratic Club President Dirk McCall.

Carrying for Crowley


Anonymous said...

Boy, Como really feels threatened by Ognibene and Suraci. Probably because he realizes he's a no-talent hack.

Anonymous said...

Good luck.

Half of all election litigation in this country is in NYS.

And no one that is in a position to do anything about it, from the lapdog press to the polticians, will do anything.

Anonymous said...

All my life I foolishly would not believe elections were fixed. Now I know how they they do it.