This video was taken at the HDC candidates forum on May 21st.
The question asked was, "What have you done for St. Saviour's and will you allocate funding toward its restoration?" Dizzy Lizzy managed not to answer either part of the question and the moderator apparently didn't challenge her on it. The other candidates at least partially admitted that they weren't around when the going got tough but would allocate funding toward what hopefully will be a new community center.
Elizabeth Crowley hired the Parkside Group to handle her campaign. Parkside had been hired by the developer of the St. Saviour's property to lobby the city first for the destruction of St. Saviour's and then to rubberstamp a residential rezoning surrounded on all sides by manufacturing zones. Crowley advocated for housing at the site while the community asked the city to turn it into a park. This is a curious stance considering she is chair of the Glendale Civic Association's Green Committee and says she wants more "pocket parks" in the district.

You have to wonder what kind of preservationist and activist against overdevelopment comes out in favor of more housing in place of open space which the community is hoping to preserve. Especially in a mixed use area that flooded heavily last summer and lacks the infrastructure to support 93 additional units of housing. The answer is: One that does the bidding of lobbyists instead of the community she was born and raised in and now wants the privilege of representing.
Oh, and if the Municipal Art Society wanted to put up "millions and millions" of dollars to save St. Saviour's, as Liz mentions as a funding solution, they would have done so back in 2006 when they were first made aware of it. Instead, they wrote a letter to LPC which was ignored as expected. MAS is a Manhattan-centric organization which intends to keep their money in Manhattan. Ms. Crowley obviously does not understand how preservation works in this city and thinks we don't either.
When a book is written about this trollop's accomplishments, it will be very brief.
The title? "I Sold My Soul (such as it was), and All I Got Was Laughed At".
They don't come any dumber than Elizabeth Crowley.
They don't come any dumber than Elizabeth Crowley.
How about the electorate? Because of the machine's efforts, this woman is a serious candidate. Given the right evirnment (Queens, for example) a dog could run for office and the press and machine mouthpieces in tweeded groups would treat it as a serious candidate.
Dizzie Lizzie: Isn't it true that you never fought to save Saint Saviour's because:
(A) You never gave a damn;
(B) A bowling Alley was far more important than a historic church;
(C) You get money from Parkside;
(D) You are frightened by those who were leading the fight;
(E) You wanted housing on the site because that's what Parkside told you to want;
(F) You still haven't figured out what to thing because you are so easily confused.
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