It is obviously intentional because she got such a sustained spray that it has drip marks. The face and feet, as well. It is the exact color that the excavation people use on the 5 Roebling site to mark elevations on walls adjoining, so they know how deep to dig…
What a low life.
This is an outrage -- disgusting idiots. I hope PETA bombs them back to the stone age.
There are some crimes for which the penalty should just be a beating.
Kitty Geneovese says.......Jason, is there anyone in Kew Gardens who would actually know how to administer a beating? You guys are about as soft as a Queens resident can be.
believe it or not, even some of us in Bayside know how to administer a beeting, even if we are too old. I know of at least one ex-OSS member in Kew Gradens, and I think a few WWII vets might remember how, even if they are no longer physically able
Hey guys, it's going to be taken care of...
Rescue Ink has been notified.
maybe Rescue Ink can tatoo "I Am A Loser" onto the jerk who did this.
looks like an eastern box turtle...beautiful animals indigenous to queens, LI and the area in general.
When they catch who did it, a permanent tatoo "I am an asshole" should be inked on them.
Punks.... that is what they are. It will come back at them in some way or other....guaranteed!
"Kitty Geneovese says.......Jason, is there anyone in Kew Gardens who would actually know how to administer a beating? You guys are about as soft as a Queens resident can be."
I didn't know the article was called "Let's try to further balkanize Queens", but thanks. I hear people from St. Albans never brush their teeth.
Anyway, glad to hear the little guy is getting some help.
rescue ink? come on these guys are plastic phoney exploiters.
They are not a real charity Just a reality show gimick. They stink
They personally have helped a lot of pets when the cameras were not rolling. They come when you call which is more than I can say for the ASPCA or ACC
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